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- Persons on public benefits
- 20037Persons below the state pension age on public benefits
- AUKS02Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted) by type of benefits, sex and age (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUKS01Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted) by type of benefits (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUK01Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex and age (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUK02Persons receiving public benefits by type, type of benefits, age and sex (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUK03Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex and age (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUK04Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, country of origin and sex (2007Q1-2024Q3)
- AUK05Persons receiving public benefits by type of benefits, sector, sex and age (2008Q1-2024Q3)
- AUH01Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex and age (2007-2023)
- AUH02Persons receiving public benefits by type, type of benefits, age and sex (2007-2023)
- AUH03Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, sex and age (2007-2023)
- AUH04Persons receiving public benefits by region, type of benefits, country of origin and sex (2007-2023)
- AUH05Persons receiving public benefits by type of benefits, sector, sex and age (2008-2023)
- AB702Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, activation, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004Q1-2006Q4)
- AB704Participants in flex job and light job by region, measure, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q3-2006Q4)
- AB705Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, measure, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- AB706Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, activation, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- AB708Participants in flex job and light job by region, measure, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2006)
- AB711Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, measure, sector, age and sex, (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2004Q4)
- AB712Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, measure, sector, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1995-2004)
- AB701Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, measure, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004Q1-2006Q4)
- SAM1Recipients of transfer payments by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2005)
- SAM11Recipients of transfer payments by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- SAM2Transfer payment paid by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2005)
- SAM22Transfer payment paid by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- SAM4Families by region, type of benefits, family type and amount (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2002)
- SAM5Recipients under 60 years of temp transfer payments for at least half a year by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2005)
- SAM55Recipients under 60 years of temp transfer payments for at least half a year by region, type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- SAM7Full-time recipients of transfer payments by region, type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2005)
- SAM77Full-time recipients of transfer payments by region, type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
- LIGEIB5Persons receiving public benefits by sex, age, type of benefits and ancestry (2007-2023)
- LIGEIB6Persons receiving public benefits by sex, age, type of benefits and family type (2007-2023)
- 21101Gender equality indicator, persons on public benefits
- LIGEII5Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits by age, type of benefits and ancestry (2007-2023)
- LIGEII6Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits by age, type of benefits and family type (2007-2023)
- 20038Cash benefits
- KYS01Cash benefits (seasonal adjustment) by visitation, seasonal adjustment, age and sex (2007M01-2024M09)
- KYS02Cash benefits (seasonal adjustment) by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY01Cash benefits (persons) by visitation, age and sex (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY12Cash benefits (persons) by type of benefits, age and sex (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY02Receivers of cash benefits by type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2015M12)
- KY13Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit, type of benefits and visitation (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY03Cash benefits by unit, type of benefits and visitation (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2015M12)
- KY04Cash benefits (persons and amount) by region, unit and visitation (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY05Cash benefits by unit and type of benefits (detailed) (DISCONTINUED) (2014M01-2015M12)
- KY15Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit and type of benefits (detailed) (2016M01-2024M09)
- KY16Cash benefits (persons and amount) by region, unit and type of benefits (2007M01-2024M09)
- KY021Receivers of cash benefits by unit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY022Receivers of cash benefits by unit, type of benefit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY023Cash benefits by unit, type of benefits and visitation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY024Cash benefits by region and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY025Cash benefits by unit and type of benefits (detailed) (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY026Cash benefits by unit, type of benefits and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY027Cash benefits by unit, type of benefits and national origin (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY028Cash benefits by unit, national origin and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- KY031Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit, visitation, age and sex (2007-2023)
- KY032Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit, type of benefits, age and sex (2007-2023)
- KY033Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit, type of benefits and visitation (2007-2023)
- KY034Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit and region (2007-2023)
- KY035Cash benefits (full-time) by region and visitation (2007-2023)
- KY036Cash benefits detailed (persons and amount) by unit and type of benefits (2016-2023)
- KY037Cash benefits (persons and amount) by unit, type of benefits and family type (2007-2023)
- KY038Cash benefits (full-time) by region, type of benefits, national origin and ancestry (2007-2023)
- KY050Special benefits (persons and amount) by unit, type of benefits, age and sex (2007-2023)
- KY051Special benefits (persons and amount) by region, unit and type of benefits (2007-2023)
- KONT1Receivers of cash benefits by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2013M12)
- KONT2Cash benefits by region and type of benefits (DiSCONTINUED) (2007M01-2013M12)
- KONT2XCash benefits (monthly) by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1994M01-2006M12)
- KONT1XReceivers of cash benefits (monthly, persons) by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1994M01-2006M12)
- KH1RPersons receiving cash benefits by region, type of benefits, family type and age (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2006)
- KH2RCash benefits in DKK 1000 by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2006)
- KH1Families receiving cash benefits by region, type of benefits, family type and age(DISCONTINUED) (1982-1994)
- KH2Cash benefits in DKK 1000 by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1982-1994)
- 20039Sickness benefits
- SOCDAG99Concluded benefit cases by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- SOCDAG88Concluded benefit cases (amounts) by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration, cause of discontinuation and course of extension (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- SOCDAG66Concluded benefit cases (amounts) by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- SOCDAG55Concluded benefit cases by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- SOCDAG77Concluded benefit cases by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration, cause of discontinuation and course of extension (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- SOCDAG2Share of employed with longer time illness by industry, socioeconomic status, employment and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2019)
- SOCDAG1Sickness and maternity benefits by type of benefit, movement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2019)
- SOCDAG00Sickness and maternity benefits, all reports by region, movement, sex, age and type of benefit (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2019)
- SOCDAG33Concluded benefit cases by region, sex, age, type of benefit, duration, industry and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2014)
- 20040Parental leave benefits
- BARSEL05Cohabiting parents leave before birth and in the child's first year of life by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and region (2015-2022)
- BARSEL04Parents leave before birth and during the child's first year of life by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and region (2015-2022)
- BARSEL01Parental leave (calculated after days of entitlement to benefits) by unit, benefit rigts, leave, educational combination and region (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2015)
- BARSEL02Parental leave, cohabitants (calculated after days) by unit, benefit rigts, leave, educational combination and region (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2015)
- BARSEL03Parental leave, non cohabitants (calculated after days) by unit, benefit rigts, existence, educational combination and region (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2015)
- BARSEL06Non-cohabiting parents leave before birth and in the child's first year of life by unit, benefit rights, existence, educational combination and region (2015-2022)
- BARSEL11Days with parental leave (parent years) by unit, entitlement, sector, social status and industry (2015-2022)
- BARSEL14Days with parental leave (parent years) by unit, entitlement and industry (detailed) (2015-2022)
- BARSEL21Parental leave during the child's second year of life by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and existence (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2020)
- BARSEL22Parental leave during the child's second year of life by unit, entitlement, region and existence (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2020)
- SOCDAG10Total leave after birth by parental leave weeks and average amount of days per child (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- BARSEL24Parents leave in child's first two years (46 weeks of leave or more) by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and region (2016-2021)
- BARSEL25Cohabiting parents leave in child's first two years (46 weeks of leave or more) by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and region (2016-2021)
- BARLOV1Cohabiting parents leave before birth and in the child´s first year of life by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and region (AUG - DEC 2019-AUG - DEC 2022)
- BARLOV2Cohabiting parents on leave (children born August-December) by unit, entitlement, mothers education, fathers education and week (AUG - DEC 2019-AUG - DEC 2022)
- BARLOV3Cohabiting parents on leave (children born August-December) by unit, entitlement, area and week (AUG - DEC 2019-AUG - DEC 2022)
- LIGEFB1Parents by family relationship of the child, the parent's entitlement to benefits, the highest education completed by the mother, the highest education completed by the father and region (2016-2022)
- LIGEFB1XParents by family relationship of the child, the parent's entitlement to benefits, the highest education completed by the mother, the highest education completed by the father and region (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2015)
- 21102Gender equality indicator, parental leave benefits
- LIGEFI1Gender equality indicator of days of parental leave benefits to parents by the highest education completed by the mother, the highest education completed by the father, the parents' level of education and region (2016-2022)
- LIGEFI1XGender equality indicator of days of parental leave benefits to parents by the highest education completed by the mother, the highest education completed by the father, the parents' level of education and region (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2015)
- DAGP12XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, cause of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP8XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP16YAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP1Payment of sickness benefit by region, type of benefit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2002)
- DAGP11Sickness benefit, all concluded cases by region, cause of benefits, cause of discontinuation, sex, family type and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP11ABenefits, all concluded cases by region, cause of benefits, cause of discontinuation, sex, family type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2002)
- DAGP11XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, cause of benefits, cause of discontinuation, sex, family type and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP10Sickness benefit, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, family type and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP9Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, cause of discontinuation and age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP13Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP13XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP14Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP14XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP15Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP15XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP16Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP16ABenefit cases, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP12Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, cause of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP10XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, family type and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP17Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, cause of discontinuation, age, sex and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP17ABenefit cases, all concluded cases by region, cause of discontinuation, age, sex and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP17XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, cause of discontinuation, age, sex and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP17YAmounts, all concluded cases by region, cause of discontinuation, age, sex and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP18Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, sex, industry, family type and cause of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP18XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, sex, industry, family type and cause of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP2Weeks with benefit by region, type of benefit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2002)
- DAGP3Receivers of benefits by region, type of benefit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2002)
- DAGP4Benefit cases by region, type of benefit, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2002)
- DAGP5Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case, sex and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP5XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case, sex and industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP6Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case and cause of discontinuation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP6XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case and cause of discontinuation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP7Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of benefit, duration of a case and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP7ABenefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP7XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of benefit, duration of a case and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- DAGP7YAmounts, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2002)
- DAGP8Benefit cases, all concluded cases by region, type of unemployment benefit, duration of a case, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2002)
- DAGP16XAmounts, all concluded cases by region, duration of a case, cause of discontinuation, sex and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
- 20043Old-age pensioners and disability pensioners
- PEN112Recipients of national old-age pension by region, type of benefits, age, sex and recipients (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- PEN111Recipients of disability pension by region, type of benefits, age, sex and recipients (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- PEN114Recipients of national old-age pension by region, sex, age, type of benefits and recipients (2021M01-2024M09)
- PEN113Disability pensioner by region, sex, age, type of benefits and recipients (2021M01-2024M09)
- PEN124Benefits paid to old-age pensioners residing in Denmark by sex, age, type of benefits, family type and unit (2021M01-2024M09)
- PEN123Disability pensioners residing in Denmark by sex, age, type of benefits, family type and unit (2021M01-2024M09)
- PEN11Recipients of old age- and early retirement pension, etc. (pr. January) by region, kind of pension, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- PEN122National old-age pensioners residing in Denmark by type of benefits, age, sex and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- PEN12Old age- and early retirement pension (per january) by county, family type, kind of pension, sex and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2018)
- PEN121Disability pensioners residing in Denmark by type of benefits, age, sex, family type and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
- PEN1Recipients of social pensions January, etc. by region, kind of pension, residential nursing homes, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2006)
- PEN22Old age- and early retirement pension payment in January by region, kind of pension, type of amount, marital status and sex pr January. (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- PEN2Social pension payment in 1000 DKK by region, kind of pension, type of amount, marital status and sex, pr January (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2006)
- PEN33Recipients of old age- and early retirement pension (per january) by region, kind of pension, type of amount, marital status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- PEN3Recipients of social pension by region, kind of pension, type of amount, marital status and sex, pr January (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2006)
- PEN200Population (67 years and more) by pension and job status, age, sex, type of benefits and paid hours per week (2022M07-2024M09)
- 20055Persons on early retirement benefits
- ELH01Full-time participants in retirement by region, number, share, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
- ELH02Full-time participants in retirement by unemployment insurance fund, number, share, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
- ELK01Full-time participants in retirement by region, number, share, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2013Q4)
- ELK02Full-time participants in retirement by unemployment insurance fund, number, share, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2013Q4)
- ELKS01Full-time participants in retirement (Seasonally adjusted figures) by region/sex, number and share and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2013Q4)
- AB707Full-time participants in retirement by unemployment insurance fund, retirement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2009)
- AB703Full-time participants in retirement by unemployment insurance fund, retirement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004Q1-2010Q3)
- Social support services
- 20046Disadvantaged children and young people
- BU43Children and young people who receive support per 31st December (share of 0-22-year-olds) by region, measure and age (2015-2023)
- BU33Disadvantaged children and young people as a percentage. of the population. (0-22 years) by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2019)
- BU04Assistance to exposed children and young people per 31st December by administrative provence, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
- BU04ASupport to children and young people per 31st December (net statement) by region, measure, age and sex (2011-2023)
- RESSBU2Special day-care institutions for children and juveniles by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2022)
- BU28Public net expenditures for exposed children and young people by measure (2002-2023)
- RESSBUSpecial day-care and residential institutions for children and juveniles by region, type of measures, places and age (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2018)
- 20613Children and young people placed in care
- ANBAAR2Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by measure, age and sex (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR15Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by place of accommodation, age and sex (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR5Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2018)
- ANBAAR16Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by part of the country, place of accommodation, measure, age and sex (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR6Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by part of the country, place of accommodation, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2018)
- ANBAAR12Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by administrative municipality and place of accommodation (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR13Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by administrative municipality and measure (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR9Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by administrative municipality and age (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR7Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons by part of the country, place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2018)
- RESFDPJPrivate foster care and residential institutions for children and juveniles by residence (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
- RESFAMPLSpecifically suitable, generally suitable and network foster families by benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2022)
- 20609Initiated placements
- ANBAAR8Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons by part of the country, measure, age and sex (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR17Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons by part of the country, place of accommodation, age and sex (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR14Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons by administrative municipality and age (2011-2023)
- ANBAAR10Decisive causes related to initiated placement outside own home by part of the country, cause for placement outside the home, age and sex (2018-2023)
- ANBAAR1Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
- ANBAAR3Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december by administrative municipality, place of accommodation, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
- ANBAAR4Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons by administrative municipality, place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
- 20610Intervention and support
- BU01AAChildren and young persons with preventive measures per 31st December by region, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2018)
- ISBU01Intervention and support to children and young people during the year by municipality and measure (2015-2023)
- ISBU02Children and young people with intervention and supprt during the year by municipality and measure (2015-2023)
- ISBU03Initiated intervention and support to children and young people during the year by province and measure (2015-2023)
- ISBU04Active intervention and support to children and young people per 31 December by province, measure, age and sex (2015-2023)
- BUFF01Children and young persons with preventive measures per 31st December by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2021)
- BU01AChildren and young persons with preventive measures per 31st December by administrative municipality, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
- BU01Children and young persons with preventive measures per 31st December by administrative municipality, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
- BU02AChildren and young persons placed outside of own home (31st December) by region and place of accommodation. (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- BU02BChildren and young persons placed outside of own home (31st December) by place of accommodation, age and sex. (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- BU03AChildren and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st December by region and measure. (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- BU03BChildren and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st December by measure, age and sex. (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2015)
- ANB1Children and young persons placed outside of own home by region and place of accommodation (DISCONTINUED) (2011Q1-2017Q1)
- ANB2Children and young persons placed outside of own home by place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011Q1-2017Q1)
- ANB3Children and young persons placed outside of own home by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2011Q1-2017Q1)
- ANB4Children and young persons placed outside of own home by measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2011Q1-2017Q1)
- 20671Notifications of concern
- UND1Notifications of concern for children by administrative municipality, reporter (who is notifying), age and sex (2015-2023)
- UND2Children for whom a notification of concern has been received, classified by administrative municipality, notifications of concern, age and sex (2015-2023)
- UND3Causes for notifications of concern for children by administrative municipality, cause, reporter (who is notifying), age and sex (2015-2023)
- LABY16Share of children between 0-18 years with notifications of concern by municipality groups (2015-2023)
- BU20Decisions on placement where the decisive cause relates to the child by region, cause for placement outside the home, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2017)
- BU21Decisions on placement where the decisive cause relates to the parents by region and cause for placement outside the home (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2017)
- BU25Changed circumstances in care placement by region, causes of change of placement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2018)
- BU32Breakdown in placement by region, cause for breakdown of care, changes and cessation of placement and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2016)
- BIS55Families with certain preventive measures by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
- BIS66Children and young persons by region, age and total duration of placement (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BIS99Children and young persons placed outside of own home (31st December) by region and measure(DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
- BIS4Children and young persons with preventive measures by region, measure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS2Children and young persons placed outside of own home by region, place of accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2005)
- BIS9Children and young persons placed outside of own home 31st December by county and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS6Children and young persons by county, age and total duration of placement (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS7Children and young persons, concluded cases, by county, age and duration of last placement (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS8Children and young persons with social assistance 31st December by region, age and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS3Families by region and type of social assistance (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BIS5Families with certain preventive measures by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- BU26Education on age-appropriate grade levels by municipality of residence, grade, educational graduation statement and target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
- BU23Level of education at current or former exposed children and young people by municipality of residence, level of education and target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
- BU22Crime commited by current or former exposed children and young people by provence of residence, type of offence and target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
- BU23ALevel of education at current or former exposed children and young people by region, level of education and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- BU26AEducation on age-appropriate grade levels by region, grade, educational graduation statement and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- BU30ALevel of education for 25 years by region, level of education and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- BU29Illegal absence among children and young people by region, target group and absence rate (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
- BU29AIllegal absence among children and young people by region, measure and Absence rate (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- BU31ATest result (point scale 0-100) by measure, section and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2016)
- BU31Test result (point scale 0-100) by target group, section and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
- BU30Level of education for 25 years by region, level of education and former disadvantaged/not disadvantaged (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2014)
- BU34Leisure activities among exposed children and young people by age, sex, unit and frequency (DISCONTINUED)
- BU35Exposed children and young peoples friendships by age, sex, unit and friendship (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
- BU36Contact with adults among exposed children and young people by age, sex, unit and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
- BU37Contact to parents among exposed children and young people by age, sex, unit and kontact to parents (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
- BU38Well-being among exposed children and young people by age, sex, unit and wellbeing (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
- BU22ACrime commited by current or former exposed children and young people by provence of residence, type of offence and target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
- BU24Alcohol- and substance abuse among isadvantaged by region of residence, treatment and target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
- BU27Suicide commited by current or former exposed children and young people by target/control group (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- 20651Drug abuse treatment
- SMDBV001Drug abuse treatment by geographical area and activity in the reference year (2015-2023)
- SMDBV002Drug abuse treatment by geographical area and key figures (2015-2023)
- SMDBV003Drug abuse treatment by key figures, gender and age (2015-2023)
- SMDBV004Drug abuse treatment by geographical area and treatment guarantee (2015-2023)
- SMDBV005Drug abuse treatment by municipality and status (2015-2023)
- 20647Womens shelters
- KRISE1Stays and residents at women's shelters by region of residence, duration and resident status (2017-2023)
- KRISE2Stays and residents at women's shelters by ancestry, duration and resident status (2017-2023)
- KRISE3Stays and residents at women's shelters by age, duration and resident status (2017-2023)
- 20035Shelters and care homes
- BOF11BPersons in shelters by age, recindence and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2020)
- HERFOR2Persons in shelters by age, recindence and sex (2021-2023)
- HERFOR1Persons in shelters by age, accommodation and sex (2021-2023)
- BOF11APersons in shelters by age, accommodation and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2020)
- HERFOR3Stay in shelters by accommodation, age and sex (2021-2023)
- BOF12Stay in accommodation by accommodation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2020)
- 20379Disability care
- HAND01Disability services by region and type of services (2015Q1-2023Q4)
- HAND01XHandicap services (Number) by region, handicapservice and service provider (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2017Q2)
- HAND02XHandicap services by handicapservice, education, marital status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2017Q2)
- HAND02Recipients of disability services by type of services, education, marital status, age and gender. (2015Q1-2023Q4)
- HAND03Disability services by type of services and target group (2015Q1-2023Q4)
- HAND03XHandicap services by handicapservice, service provider and target group (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2017Q2)
- HAND04AReceipients of handicapservices by type of benefits and basis for allowance (DISCONTINUED) (2015Q1-2019Q4)
- HAND04AXHandicap service by handicapservice and basis for allowance (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2017Q2)
- HAND05Disability services by region and type of services. (2015-2023)
- HAND05XHandicap services by region, handicapservice and service provider (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
- HAND06Disability services (Number per 1,000 inhabitants) by region and type of services (2015Q1-2023Q4)
- HAND06XHandicap services (Number per 1.000 inhabitants) by region, handicapservice and service provider (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2017Q2)
- HAND07Recipients of disability services by region and type of services (2015Q1-2023Q4)
- HAND04Handicap service by handicapservice and basis for allowance (DISCONTINUED) (2013Q4-2016Q4)
- RESHJMTRHome training of children and juveniles by services (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
- RESLEDAttendant scheme for children and juveniles in special need for assistance by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
- RESV01Residence scheme at an institution for adults by region, residence scheme at an institution, type of client and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- RESV02Residence scheme at an institution for adults by region, residence scheme at an institution, type of client and target group (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- RESV03Residence scheme at an institution for adults by region, residence scheme at an institution, type of client and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- RESV04Sheltered workshop and activity and drop-in centres by region, activity, target group and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- RESV05Sheltered workshop and activity and drop-in centres by region, activity and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- RESV08Social pedagogical assistance and treatment schemes by region, type of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2012)
- RESV07Social pedagogical assistance and treatment schemes by region, type of benefits, target group and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2012)
- 20944Disability measures for children
- HANDBU01Disability measures for children between 0-17 years by municipality, measure and sex (2022-2023)
- HANDBU02Disability measures for children between 0-17 years by municipality, measure and age (2022-2023)
- HANDBU03Disability measures for children between 0-17 years by province and measure (2022-2023)
- HANDBU04Disability measures for children between 0-17 years by measure, age and sex (2022-2023)
- 20648Disability cars
- HANDBIL1Benefit to disability car by region and unit (2011-2023)
- HANDBIL2Refusal of benefit by region and unit (2010-2023)
- 20483Family allowance and child benefits
- BTS101Recipients of family benefits and child supplements by region, grant type, sex, number of children and unit (2017Q1-2023Q4)
- BTS102Recipients of family benefits and grants by grant type, family type, number of children and unit (2017Q1-2023Q4)
- BTS1Families entitled to child subsidy/youth allowance in the 4th quarter of year by region and type of grants(DISCONTINUED) (1982-1986)
- BTS2Children with child subsidy or youth allowance in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants(DISCONTINUED) (1982-1986)
- BTS3Paid amounts for child subsidy or youth allowance (1000 DKK) in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants(DISCONTINUED) (1982-1986)
- BTS44Families with child subsidy and family allowance in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2017)
- BTS4Families with child subsidy and family allowance in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants(DISCONTINUED) (1987-2006)
- BTS55Children with child subsidy and family allowance in the 4th quarter of the year by region and kind of child subsidy (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2017)
- BTS5Children with child subsidy and family allowance in the 4th quarter of the year by region and kind of child subsidy (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
- BTS66Paid amounts for child subsidy and family allowance (1000 DKK) in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- BTS6Paid amounts for child subsidy and family allowance (1000 DKK) in the 4th quarter of the year by region and type of grants (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2006)
- BIDRAG11Advance payments of child maintenance by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
- BIDRAG1Advance payments of child maintenance by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2005)
- BIDRAG22Advance payments of child maintenance, by region and benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
- BIDRAG2Advance payments of child maintenance, by region and benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2005)
- 20047Housing benefit
- BOST11Households (excl. disability pensioners) with rent subsidy for families in December by region and type of housing subsidy (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- BOST1Households with rent subsidy for families in December by region and type of housing subsidy ((DISCONTINUED)) (1983-2006)
- BOST22Rent subsidy paid to non-pensioners by region and type of housing subsidy (1000 DKK) (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- BOST2Rent subsidy paid to non-pensioners by region and type of housing subsidy (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2006)
- BOST33Households with rent subsidy for pensioners in December by region and type of housing allowance (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- BOST3Households with rent subsidy for pensioners in December by region and type of housing allowance ((DISCONTINUED)) (1983-2006)
- BOST4Rent subsidy for pensioners by region and type of housing allowance (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2006)
- BOST44Rent subsidy for pensioners by region and type of housing allowance (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- BOST55Rent subsidy paid to new early retirement pensioners by unit (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2018)
- BOST61Rent subsidy in December by family type and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1967-2011)
- BOST62Rent subsidy for pensioners in December by pension status and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1967-2011)
- BOST63Housing benefit by region, type of benefits, month and unit (2007-2023)
- BOST64Housing benefit by age, type of benefits, month and unit (2007-2023)
- 20048Social services for senior citizens
- AED21Service indicators, per cent of the population aged 67 years and above by region and services (2008-2023)
- LABY20Home care and home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings, percent of the population aged 67 years and above by municipality groups and services (2022-2023)
- AED10APreventative home visits, recipients and visits by region, home visits, age and gender (2016-2023)
- 20414Assessed need for home care
- AED022Home care, refarral hours by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2008-2023)
- AED021Home care, referral hours per person by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2008-2023)
- AED06Home care, recipients referral by region, type of benefits, hours per week, age and gender (2008-2023)
- AED14Home care, recipients refarral who change between private and public contractor by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2009-2023)
- AED12Home care, recipients refarral who use private contractor by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2008-2023)
- AED13Home care, first-time referred recipients who use private contractor by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2010-2022)
- VH33Private contractors of home care by region (2008-2023)
- RESANDHJHousehold receiving other care to terminal care by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- RESPLEJVAllowance to terminal care by region, duration, recipients and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2021)
- RESPRVHJFree choice, private assistant and care of closely related by benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
- RESDHJCESpecial day-care institution by region and visitation (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2022)
- LIGEHI12Gender equality indicator home care, recipents referral by indicator, region, age and family type (2010-2023)
- LIGEHI13Gender equality indicator home care, referral hours per person by indicator, region, age and family type (2010-2023)
- 20415Home care provided
- AED01Home care, provided hours by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2011-2023)
- AED02Home care, provided hours per person by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2011-2023)
- AED17Home visits implemented as planned by region (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2019)
- AED023Home care, recipients by region, type of benefits, hours per week, age and gender (2011-2023)
- AED012Home care, recipients who use private contractors by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2013-2023)
- MH1Recipients of temporary home help (previous year) by region, frequency of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2005)
- MH1XRecipients of temporary home help (previous year) by region, frequency of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (1982-2002)
- VH1ARecipients of permanent home help by region, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (1982-1984)
- VH1BRecipients of permanent home help by region, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (1985-1998)
- VH3Private suppliers of home help by region (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- VH4Persons, who are embraced by free choice/users of permanent home help done by region, type of measure, type of help and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- VH44Persons, who are embraced by free choice/users of permanent home help done by pr by region, type of measure, type of help and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
- VHLTDelivered hours per week for permanent home help by region, type of benefits and age(DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- VHLT04XDelivered hours per week for permanent home help by region, type of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
- VHLT05XDelivered hours per week for permanent home help by region, type of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
- VHLT1Delivered hours per week for permanent home help by region, type of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- VHPNumber of recipients of permanent home help by region, type of benefits, age and scope(DISCONTINUED) (2006)
- VHP04XNumber of recipients of permanent home help by region, type of benefits, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
- VHP05XNumber of recipients of permanent home help by region, type of benefits, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
- VHP1Number of recipients of permanent home help by region, type of resident, type of benefits, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- VHPXNumber of recipients of permanent home help by region, type of benefits, age and scope (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
- VHTTAllotted hours per week for permanent home help by region, type of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
- MH11Recipients of temporary home help by region, frequency of benefits and age (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
- 21156Training and rehabilitation
- AED08Training and Maintenance Training, recipients by region, type of benefits, age and gender (2008-2023)
- REHAB19Rehabilitation, recipients by region, age and gender (2019-2023)
- 20416Housing for senior citizens
- AED16Free choice of dwelling and average waiting time for nursing homes/nursing dwellings for persons aged 67 and over by region (2009-2023)
- AED07Home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings, recipents referral by region, age and gender (2008-2023)
- AED03Home care, nursing homes/nursing dwellings (referral hours per week) by region, type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
- AED04Referral home care, nursing homes/nursing dwellings ( average per recipients) by region, type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
- AED05Recipients referral to home care, nursing homes/nursing dwellings) by region, type of benefits, hours per week, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
- 21157Hospital admissions
- AED19ALength of stay (days) for persons aged 67 and over by region, unit and diagnosis (2014-2023)
- AED19Discharges and length of stay (days) for persons aged 67, by region, unit and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
- AED20AClinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67 and over by region, unit and diagnosis (2012-2023)
- AED20Clinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67, by region, unit and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
- REHABRecipients of rehabilitation by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2018)
- RESMADPersons referral to home food delivery by region and provider (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2022)
- VHVT1Referral hours per week for permanent home help (both personal help and care) by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
- FORHJBEPreventative home visits (previous year) by region, kind and age (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2006)
- FORHJBE1Preventative home visits (previous year) by region, kind and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2008)
- RESP01Places in social measures by region, type of measure and number of places (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2022)
- RESI01Clients in nursing dwellings and dwellings for the elderly by region, age and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2022)
- RES3EXPlaces in social measures by region, type of measure and number of places (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
- RES6Clients in nursing homes (83-98) by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1998)
- RES6AClients in nursing dwellings and dwellings for the elderly by region, age and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
- RES6BXClients in nursing dwellings and dwellings for the elderly by region, age and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
- VH2Recipients of permanent home help in nursing homes and protected dwellings and road time by region(DISCONTINUED) (2002-2006)
- RES1Social measures by region and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2003)
- RES2Staff at social measures by region, type of measure and type of staff (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1993)
- RES3Places in social measures by region, type of measure and type of places (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2000)
- RES4Clients in social measures by region, type of measure and type of client (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2002)
- RES3NPlaces in social measures by region, type of measure and number of places (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
- RES3NXPlaces in social measures by region, type of measure and number of places (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2005)
- 20637Staff working with municipal and regional nursing and care
- RES13Staff working with municipal and regional nursing and care, full-time employees by region and occupation (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
- RES14Staff working with municipal and regional nursing and care, full-time employees by region and main account (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
- RES15Staff in municipal dental care and health care, full-time employees by region and function (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
- RES10Staff working with nursing and care, full-time employees by region, occupation and main account (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2015)
- RES11Staff in municipal dental care and health care, full-time employees by region and function (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
- RES10XStaff in measures for elderly people, full-time employees by region and function(DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- RES10XXStaff in measures for elderly people, full-time employees by region and function(DISCONTINUED) (2000-2006)
- RES2NStaff at social measures, full-time employees by region, type of measure and type of staff (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2000)
- 21143Assistive products
- HJALP1Lending of assistive products by municipality (2023)
- HJALP2Recipients of lending of assistive products by municipality, sex and age (2023)
- AED10Recipients of preventative home visits by region, home visits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2015)
- AED18Ratio of Direct Contact in elderly care by region (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
- Crime and justice
- 20059Reported criminal offences
- STRAF10Reported criminal offences by type of offence (1995Q1-2024Q4)
- STRAF11Reported criminal offences by region and type of offence (2007Q1-2024Q4)
- STRAF12Reported criminal offences by type of offence, seasonally adjusted (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2024Q3)
- STRAF1Reported criminal offences by region and type of offence (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2006Q4)
- STRAF20Reported criminal offences and charges by type of offence and reported criminal offences and charges (1995-2023)
- STRAF22Reported criminal offences and charges by region, type of offence and reported criminal offences and charges (2007-2023)
- STRAF24Reported criminal offences per 100.000 inhabitants by type of offence (2018-2023)
- STRAF2Reported criminal offences and charges by region, type of offence and reported criminal offences and charges (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2006)
- 20060Victims of reported criminal offences
- STRAF5Victims of reported criminal offences by type of offence, age and sex (2001-2023)
- STRAF5XVictims of reported criminal offences by type of offence, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2022)
- LIGEPB1Victims of offenses against the person by type of offence, age and sex (2001-2023)
- LIGEPB1XVictims of offenses against the person by type of offence, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2022)
- 21104Gender equality indicator, Victims of reported criminal offences
- LIGEPI1Gender equality indicator of victims of offenses against the person by type of offence and age (2001-2023)
- LIGEPI1XGender equality indicator of victims of offenses against the person by type of offence and age (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2022)
- 20061Convictions
- STRAF4Decisions, total by type of offence, type of decision, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- STRAF40Decisions by type of offence, type of decision, age and sex (1980-2023)
- STRAF41Population for calculation of sentences per. inhabitants by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
- STRAF42Decisions, total by affiliation to Denmark, type of offence, type of decision, age and sex (1995-2023)
- STRAF43Decisions total pr. 100.000 inhabitants by type of decision, age and sex (2018-2023)
- STRAF44Decisions, total by region, total by type of offence, type of decision, age and sex (2007-2023)
- STRAF46Suspended sentence by region, sex, age, type of offence, type of decision and length of sentence (2007-2023)
- STRAF47Unsuspended sentence by region, sex, age, type of offence, type of decision and length of sentence (2007-2023)
- STRAF49Average length of unsuspended sentences (month) by sex, age, type of offence and type of decision (2007-2023)
- STRAF48Average length (months) of suspended sentences by sex, age, type of offence and type of decision (2007-2023)
- STRAF61Decided secondary cases by type of offence, type of decision, age and sex (1980-2023)
- LIGEPB4Convictions for offenses against the person by type of offence, age and sex (1991-2023)
- 21105Gender equality indicator,Convictions
- LIGEPI4Gender equality indicator of convictions for offenses against the person by type of offence and age (1991-2023)
- 20338Convicted persons
- 20770Guilty persons
- STRAFNA3Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by sex, age and country of origin (2000-2023)
- STRFSOC1Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by sex, age and socioeconomic status (2015-2023)
- STRFUDD1Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by sex, age and education (2015-2023)
- STRFUDD2Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by type of offence and education (2015-2023)
- STRAFNA4Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by type of offence and country of origin (2000-2023)
- STRFSOC2Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by type of offence and socioeconomic status (2015-2023)
- STRAFNA5Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by country of origin and type of decision (2000-2023)
- STRAFNA6Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by region, sex, age and national origin (2005-2023)
- STRAFNA7Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by region and type of offence (2005-2023)
- STRAFNA8Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by region and type of decision (2005-2023)
- STRAFNA9Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by sex, age and ancestry (2000-2023)
- STRFNA10Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by ancestry and type of offence (2000-2023)
- STRFNA11Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by ancestry and type of decision (2000-2023)
- STRFNA12Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by sex, age, citizenship and ancestry (2018-2023)
- STRFNA13Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by citizenship and type of offence (2018-2023)
- STRFNA14Persons guilty in crimes aged 15-79 years by citizenship, ancestry and type of decision (2018-2023)
- STRFNA20Naturalised danes by sex, age, year of naturalisation and decided criminal cases five years before naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA21Naturalised danes by sex, age, year of naturalisation and decided criminal cases five years after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA22Naturalised danes by sex, age, decided criminal cases five years before naturalisation and decided criminal cases five years after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA23Naturalised danes by ancestry, decided criminal cases five years before naturalisation and decided criminal cases five years after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA24Naturalised danes by sex, age and criminal offence at latest criminal case five years before naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA25Naturalised danes by sex, age and criminal offence at first criminal case five years after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA26Naturalised danes by sex, age and type of decision at latest criminal case five years before naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA27Naturalised danes by sex, age and type of decision at first criminal case five years after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA28Naturalised danes by sex, age and latest criminal law decision before naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- STRFNA29Naturalised danes by sex, age and first criminal law decision after naturalisation (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2021)
- 20339Recidivism
- RECIDIV1Persons by sex, age, duration until recidivism, index penalty and index offence (2007:2009-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV2Persons by sex, age, index offence and offence at first recidivism (2007:2009-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV3Persons by sex, age, index penalty, index offence, offence at first recidivism and penalty at first recidivism (2007:2009-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV4Persons by sex, age, index penalty, index offence, offence (at maximum penalty in follow-up period) and penalty (at maximum penalty in follow-up period) (2007:2009-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV5Persons by sex, age, index penalty, index offence and recidivism in follow-up period (2007:2009-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV6Persons by sex, age, education and duration until recidivism (2008:2010-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV7Persons by sex, age, education and offence (at maximum penalty in follow-up period) (2008:2010-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV8Persons by sex, age, education and penalty (at maximum penalty in follow-up period) (2008:2010-2020:2022)
- RECIDIV9Persons by sex, age, education and recidivism occurrence (2008:2010-2020:2022)
- RECIDV10Persons by sex, age, previous convictions, recidivism occurrence and duration until recidivism (2009:2011-2020:2022)
- RECIDV11Persons by sex, age, previous convictions, recidivism occurrence and penalty at first recidivism (2009:2011-2020:2022)
- RECIDV12Persons by sex, age, previous convictions, recidivism occurrence and penalty (at maximum penalty in follow-up period) (2009:2011-2020:2022)
- 20530Birth cohort crime rates
- STRAFFO1Birth cohorts (per 31. December 2023) by sex, age by first conviction and offence (2023)
- STRAFFO2Birth cohorts (per 31. December 2023) by sex, age by first imprisonments and type of imprisonment (2023)
- STRAFFO3Convictions (per 31. December 2023) by birth cohort, sex, age at time of conviction and offence (2023)
- STRAFFO4Imprisonments (per 31. December 2023) by birth cohort, sex, age at time of conviction and type of imprisonment (2023)
- 20593Detention
- STRAF70Arrests by type of offence, age, sex and outcome (2015-2023)
- STRAF71Arrests by age, sex and residence in Denmark (2015-2023)
- STRAF72Arrests by type of offence and residence in Denmark (2015-2023)
- STRAF73Arrests by age, sex and education (2015-2023)
- STRAF74Arrests by type of offence and education (2015-2023)
- Living conditions
- 20054Statistics on income and living conditions (SILC)
- IFV1Household members by sex, age and the ability of the household to make ends meet
(DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- IFV3Household members by sex, age, socioeconomic status and the ability of the household to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- IFV4Households by sex, age, type of household and the ability of the household to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- IFV5Household members by sex, age and financial burden of the total housing cost (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- IFV6Household members by sex, age, socioeconomic status and financial burden of the total housing cost (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- IFV7Household members by sex, age, type of household and financial burden of the total housing cost (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
- SILC10Economically vulnerable by deprivation measure, background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC100Reason for unmet need for examination/treatment by doctor and dentist by question, modality and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC1AEconomically vulnerable: Percentage of persons by deprivation measure and sex and age (2011-2024)
- SILC20Material deprivation of households by deprivation measure, background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC30Material deprivation of population by deprivation measure, background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC40Make ends meet by background information, modality and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC50Overall life satisfaction by background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC52Trust in others by background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC60Health issues by question, background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC70Economic burden of hire purchases or loans by background information, modality and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC80Change in household income by question, background information, modality and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC90Number of weekly hours spent in day care (0-12 years) by background information and unit (2021-2024)
- SILC1BHousing burden: Percentage of persons by sex, age and financial burden of the total housing cost for the household (2004-2024)
- SILC2BHousing burden: Percentage of persons by socioeconomic status, sex and financial burden of the total housing cost for the household (2004-2024)
- SILC3BHousing burden: Percentage of persons by type of household, age and financial burden of the total housing cost for the household (2004-2024)
- SILC4BHousing burden: Percentage of persons by income group, sex and financial burden of the total housing cost for the household (2004-2024)
- SILC1PMake ends meet: Percentage of persons by sex, age and how easy it is for households to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2024)
- SILC2PMake ends meet: Percentage of persons by socioeconomic status, sex and how easy it is for households to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2024)
- SILC3PMake ends meet: Percentage of persons by type of household, age and how easy it is for households to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2024)
- SILC4PMake ends meet: Percentage of persons by income group, sex and how easy it is for households to make ends meet (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2024)
- 20565Quality of life
- LIVO1Quality of life by key figures and region (Discontinued) (2008-2018)
- LIVS2Quality of life by contentment, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS3Quality of life by meaningful, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS4Quality of life by state of mind, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUNED) (2015)
- LIVS5Quality of life by health, unit, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS6Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS7Quality of life by everyday life, frequency, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS8Quality of life by social relations, frequency, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS9Quality of life by economic, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUD) (2015)
- LIVS10Quality of life by confidence, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVS11Quality of life by safety and credit, score, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL1Quality of life by contentment, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL2Quality of life by meaningful, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL3Quality of life by state of mind, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL4Quality of life by health, unit, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, disposable income , region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, disposable income, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL7Quality of life by social relations, unit, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL8Quality of life by economic, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL9Quality of life by confidence, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVIL10Quality of life by safety and credit, score, disposable income and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO1Quality of life by contentment, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO2Quality of life by meaningful, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO3Quality of life by state of mind, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO4Quality of life by health, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO7Quality of life by social relations, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO8Quality of life by economic, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO9Quality of life by confidence, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVBO10Quality of life by safety and credit, unit, tenure, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL1Quality of life by contentment, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL2Quality of life by meaningful, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL3Quality of life by state of mind, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL4Quality of life by health, unit, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL7Quality of life by social relations, unit, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL8Quality of life by economic, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL9Quality of life by confidence, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVUL10Quality of life by safety and credit, score, highest education completed, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES1Quality of life by contentment, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES2Quality of life by meaningful, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES3Quality of life by state of mind, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES4Quality of life by health, unit, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES7Quality of life by social relations, unit, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES8Quality of life by economic, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES9Quality of life by confidence, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVES10Quality of life by safety and credit, score, socioeconomic status, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK1Quality of life by contentment, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK2Quality of life by meaningful, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK3Quality of life by state of mind, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK4Quality of life by health, unit, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK7Quality of life by social relations, unit, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK8Quality of life by economic, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK9Quality of life by confidence, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVLK10Quality of life by safety and credit, score, visits to physicians, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE1Quality of life by contentment, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE2Quality of life by meaningful, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE3Quality of life by state of mind, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE4Quality of life by health, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE7Quality of life by social relations, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE8Quality of life by economic, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE9Quality of life by confidence, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVHE10Quality of life by safety and credit, unit, ancestry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO1Quality of life by contentment, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO2Quality of life by meaningful, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO3Quality of life by state of mind, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO4Quality of life by health, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO5Quality of life by restrictions of life, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO6Quality of life by everyday life, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO7Quality of life by social relations, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO8Quality of life by economic, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO9Quality of life by confidence, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
- LIVFO10Quality of life by safety and credit, unit, wealth, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
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