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All enterprises with at least 10 full-time employees
Trade and transport etc.
Information and communication
Financail and other business services
10-19 full-time employees
20-49 full-time employees
50-99 full-time employees
100+ full-time employees
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Enterprises having access to the internet
Enterprises having website/homepage
Enterprises having a fixed connection
Enterprises that use ICT
Enterprises using traditional modem
Enterprises using ISDN
Enterprises using traditional modem or ISDN
Enterprises using xDSL (ADSL)
Enterprises using other fixed internet connection
Enterprises using mobile internet connection
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning management of inventory levels (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning accounting (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning production or services management (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning distribution management (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise (placement of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning management of inventory levels (reception of orders)
Enterprises sharing information automatically within the enterprise concerning accounting (reception of orders)
Enterprises having purchased on-line
Enterprises having received orders on-line
Enterprises using mobile broadband connections
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