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StatBank Denmark
Enterprises use of advanced technologies (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Per cent
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activity (NACE REV2)
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All enterprises (with at least 10 employees)
10-49 employees
50-99 employees
100-249 employees
250 employees and over
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All enterprises within the private, non-financial urban trades
10-39 Manufacturing
41-43 Construction
45-56 Trade and transport etc.
58-63 Information and communication
68-74, 77-82, 95.1 Other business services
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1. Use sensors which are connected to the Internet
1.1 Use sensors for security- and access control
1.2 Use sensors for measurement, recording or control of the production of goods
1.3 Use sensors for measurement, recording or control of temperature, pressure and air
1.4 Use sensors for measuring, registration or management of inventories
1.5 Use sensors for monitoring of goods and logistics control
1.6 Use sensors for improvement of existing products and services
1.7 Use sensors for development of new products and services
1.8 Use sensors for other objectives
2. Use machine learning or artificial intelligence
3. Used satellite based services in the previous calendar year
3.1 Use of satellite based services had a positive impact on the enterprise in the previous calendar year
3.2 Experienced significant obstacles, limitations or challenges in relation to the use of satellite based services in the previous calendar year
4. Analyzed Big data in the previous calendar year
4.1 Analyzed Big data from the enterprise¿s own data from smart devices or sensors
4.2 Analyzed geolocation data from the use of portable devices
4.3 Analyzed Big data generated from social media
4.4 Analyzed Big data from other sources not specified above
5.1 Enterprises own employees performed big data analysis in the previous calendar year
5.2 Externale service providers performed big data analysis in the previous calendar year
6. Use robots
6.1 Use industrial robots
6.2 Use service robots
7. Used 3D printing in the previous calendar year
7.1 Used 3D printing for prototypes or models for sale.
7.2 Used 3D printing for other goods for sale
7.3 Used 3D printing for prototypes or models for internal use
7.4 Used 3D printing for other goods to be used in your enterprises production process
8. Used accommodation services provided by private individuals via internet platforms in the previous calendar year
9. Used car sharing and transportation services provided by private individuals via internet platforms in the previous calendar year
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark
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