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StatBank Denmark Business
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    VHUS2: The greenhouse sectors use by production, greenhousearea in square metre (sq.m.) and area and consumption
    Unit : -

    The areas and use in greenhouses are shown by the main culture at the holdings. Therefore, the areas are not comparable with these shown in table VHUS1. Use of water is not included in the survey on 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020. Until 2011 the statistics included only farms with at least 1.000 sqm of greenhouse area. From 2014 onwards also farms with less than 1.000 square meters of greenhouse area are included in accordance with the standard of the farm structure survey.

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    production (10)
    greenhousearea in square metre (sq.m.) (7)
    area and consumption (3)
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    (select max. 10000)
    13-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,