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StatBank Denmark
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Purchase of services by commodity group (6 digits) and industry (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : DKK 1,000
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009708 Total purchase of services
991001 Product development
991002 Licenses/royalties/approval of type etc.
991003 Tecnical assitance, incl. assembly
991004 Purchase of editorial subjects, illustrations, etc.
992001 Transport of persons
992002 Cargo transportation - Rail
992003 Cargo transportation - Car
992004 Cargo transportation - Flight
992005 Cargo transportation - Ship
992006 Cargo transportation - Other
993001 Telecommunication expenditures
993002 Software expenditures
993003 Other expenditures for computers
994001 Expenditure for sales/commercials/advertisements/marketing etc.
994002 Sales commissions
995001 Expenditures for insurance
995002 Expenditures for rescue service
Expenditures for security
996001 Expenditures for education and training
996002 Canteen and catering costs
997001 Legal advice
997002 Accounting assistance
997003 Manegement assistance and consultancy
997004 Secretaty and translatory services
997005 Entertainmente expenses
998001 External expenditure for operation of own vehicles
998002 Repair and maintenace of buildings, roads, ports, etc.
998003 Repair and maintenance of furniture and machines
998004 Refuse disposal
998005 Cleaning
998006 Postage
998007 Subscriptions
999001 Other service expenditures, not specified
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1009 Mining and quarrying
15009 Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco
17009 Mfr. of textiles and leather
20000 Mfr. of wood and wood products
21009 Mfr. of paper prod.; printing and publish.
23009 Mfr. of refined petroleum products and chemicals
25000 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products
26000 Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products
27009 Mfr. and processing of basic metals
29000 Mfr. of machinery and equipment
30009 Mfr. of electronic components
35009 Mfr. of transport equipment
36000 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.
Total industri
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Statistics Denmark