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[NA ESA95rev, DB07] Input-output table (DKK million) with totals of supply and use by price unit and year (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : m DKK
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Total Production by Danish Industries
Total Imports
Taxes on products, net + VAT
Total use at market prices
Total other primary input
Gross output at basic prices
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117 Industries
69 Brancher
38 Industries
21 Industries
13 Industries
73 Forbrugsgrupper
41 Groups of private consumption
12 Groups of private consumption
5 Market individual government consumption
6 Non-market individual government consumption
10 Collective government consumption
Total Use-(Use)
Total Intermedialte Consumption-(Use)
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing- (Use)
01000 Agriculture and horticulture- (Use)
010000 Agriculture and horticulture- (Use)
02000 Forestry- (Use)
020000 Forestry- (Use)
03000 Fishing- (Use)
030000 Fishing- (Use)
B Mining and quarrying- (Use)
06090 Mining and quarrying- (Use)
060000 Extraction of oil and gas- (Use)
080090 Extraction of gravel and stone- (Use)
090000 Mining support service activities- (Use)
C Manufacturing- (Use)
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco- (Use)
10120 Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco- (Use)
100010 Production of meat and meat products- (Use)
100020 Processing and preserving of fish- (Use)
100030 Manufacture of dairy products- (Use)
100040 Manufacture of grain mill and bakery products- (Use)
100050 Other manufacture of food products- (Use)
110000 Manufacture of beverages- (Use)
120000 Manufacture of tobacco products- (Use)
CB Textiles and leather products- (Use)
13150 Textiles and leather products- (Use)
130000 Manufacture of textiles- (Use)
140000 Manufacture of wearing apparel- (Use)
150000 Manufacture of leather and footwear- (Use)
CC Wood and paper products and printing- (Use)
16000 Manufacture of wood and wood products- (Use)
160000 Manufacture of wood and wood products- (Use)
17000 Manufacture of paper and paper products- (Use)
170000 Manufacture of paper and paper products- (Use)
18000 Printing etc.- (Use)
180000 Printing etc.- (Use)
CD Oil refinery etc.- (Use)
19000 Oil refinery etc.- (Use)
190000 Oil refinery etc.- (Use)
CE Manufacture of chemicals- (Use)
20000 Manufacture of chemicals - (Use)
200010 Manufacture of basic chemicals- (Use)
200020 Manufacture of paints and soap etc.- (Use)
CF Pharmaceuticals- (Use)
21000 Pharmaceuticals- (Use)
210000 Pharmaceuticals- (Use)
CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete- (Use)
22000 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products- (Use)
220000 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products- (Use)
23000 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products- (Use)
230010 Manufacture of glass and ceramic products- (Use)
230020 Manufacture of concrete and bricks- (Use)
CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products- (Use)
24000 Manufacture of basic metals- (Use)
240000 Manufacture of basic metals- (Use)
25000 Manufacture of fabricated metal products- (Use)
250000 Manufacture of fabricated metal products- (Use)
CI Manufacture of electronic components- (Use)
26000 Manufacture of electronic components- (Use)
260010 Manufacture of computers and communication equipment etc.- (Use)
260020 Manufacture of other electronic products- (Use)
CJ Electrical equipment- (Use)
27000 Electrical equipment- (Use)
270010 Manufacture of electric motors, etc.- (Use)
270020 Manufacture of wires and cables- (Use)
270030 Manufacture of hoUsehold appliances, lamps, etc.- (Use)
CK Manufacture of machinery- (Use)
28000 Manufacture of machinery- (Use)
280010 Manufacture of engines, windmills and pumps- (Use)
280020 Manufacture of other machinery- (Use)
CL Transport equipment- (Use)
29000 Manufacture of motor vehicles and related parts- (Use)
290000 Manufacture of motor vehicles and related parts- (Use)
30000 Manufacture of ships and other transport equipment- (Use)
300000 Manufacture of ships and other transport equipment- (Use)
CM Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing etc.- (Use)
31320 Manufacture of furniture and other manufacturing- (Use)
310000 Manufacture of furniture- (Use)
320010 Manufacture of medical instruments, etc.- (Use)
320020 Manufacture of toys and other manufacturing- (Use)
33000 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment- (Use)
330000 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment- (Use)
D_E Utility services- (Use)
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply- (Use)
35000 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply- (Use)
350010 Production and distribution of electricity- (Use)
350020 Manufacture and distribution of gas- (Use)
350030 Steam and hot water supply- (Use)
E Water supply, sewerage and waste management- (Use)
36000 Water collection, purification and supply- (Use)
360000 Water collection, purification and supply- (Use)
37390 Sewerage; waste collection, treatment and disposal activities etc.- (Use)
370000 Sewerage- (Use)
383900 Waste management and materials recovery- (Use)
F Construction- (Use)
41430 Construction- (Use)
410009 Construction of new buildings- (Use)
420000 Civil engeneering- (Use)
430003 Professionel repair and maintenance of buildings- (Use)
430004 Own-account repair and maintenance of buildings- (Use)
G_I Trade and transport etc.- (Use)
G Wholesale and retail trade- (Use)
45000 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles- (Use)
450010 Sale of motor vehicles- (Use)
450020 Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles etc.- (Use)
46000 Wholesale- (Use)
460000 Wholesale- (Use)
47000 Retail sale- (Use)
470000 Retail sale- (Use)
H Transportation- (Use)
49000 Land transport and transport via pipelines- (Use)
490010 Passenger rail transport, interurban- (Use)
490020 Transport by suburban trains, bUses and taxi operation, etc.- (Use)
490030 Freight transport by road and via pipeline- (Use)
50000 Water transport- (Use)
500000 Water transport- (Use)
51000 Air transport- (Use)
510000 Air transport- (Use)
52000 Support activities for transportation- (Use)
520000 Support activities for transportation- (Use)
53000 Postal and courier activities- (Use)
530000 Postal and courier activities- (Use)
I Accommodation and food service activities- (Use)
55560 Accommodation and food service activities- (Use)
550000 Hotels and similar accommodation- (Use)
560000 Restaurants- (Use)
J Information and communication- (Use)
JA Publishing, television and radio broadcasting- (Use)
58000 Publishing activities- (Use)
580010 Publishing- (Use)
580020 Publishing of computer games and other software- (Use)
59600 Motion picture and television programme prod., sound recording; radio and televisi- (Use)
590000 Motion picture and television programme production, and sound recording activities- (Use)
600000 Radio and television broadcasting- (Use)
JB Telecommunications- (Use)
61000 Telecommunications- (Use)
610000 Telecommunications- (Use)
JC IT and information service activities- (Use)
62630 IT and information service activities- (Use)
620000 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities- (Use)
630000 Information service activities- (Use)
K Financial and insurance services - (Use)
64000 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding- (Use)
640010 Monetary intermediation- (Use)
640020 Mortgage credit institutes, etc.- (Use)
65000 Insurance and pension funding- (Use)
650000 Insurance and pension funding- (Use)
66000 Other financial activities- (Use)
660000 Other financial activities- (Use)
LA Real estate activities and renting of non-residential buildings- (Use)
68100 Buying and selling of real estate- (Use)
680010 Buying and selling of real estate- (Use)
68300 Renting of non-residential buildings- (Use)
680030 Renting of non-residential buildings- (Use)
LB Dwellings- (Use)
68203 Renting of residential buildings- (Use)
680023 Renting of residential buildings- (Use)
68204 Owner-occupied dwellings- (Use)
680024 Owner-occupied dwellings- (Use)
M_N Other business services- (Use)
M Knowledge-based services- (Use)
MA Consultancy etc.- (Use)
69700 Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultanc- (Use)
690010 Legal activities- (Use)
690020 Accounting and bookkeeping activities- (Use)
700000 Business consultancy activities- (Use)
71000 Architectural and engineering activities- (Use)
710000 Architectural and engineering activities- (Use)
MB Scientific research and development- (Use)
72001 Scientific research and development (market)- (Use)
720001 Scientific research and development (market)- (Use)
72002 Scientific research and development (non-market)- (Use)
720002 Scientific research and development (non-market)- (Use)
MC Advertising and other business services- (Use)
73000 Advertising and market research- (Use)
730000 Advertising and market research- (Use)
74750 Other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities- (Use)
740000 Other technical business services- (Use)
750000 Veterinary activities- (Use)
N Travel agents, cleaning, and other operationel services- (Use)
77000 Rental and leasing activities- (Use)
770000 Rental and leasing activities- (Use)
78000 Employment activities- (Use)
780000 Employment activities- (Use)
79000 Travel agent activities- (Use)
790000 Travel agent activities- (Use)
80820 Security and investigation; services to buildings and landscape; other businness s- (Use)
800000 Security and investigation activities- (Use)
810000 Services to buildings, cleaning and landscape activities- (Use)
820000 Other business service activities- (Use)
O_Q Public administration, education and health- (Use)
O Public administration, defence and compulsory social security- (Use)
84202 Public administration etc.- (Use)
840010 Public administration- (Use)
840022 Defence, public order, security and justice activities (non-market)- (Use)
84101 Rescue service etc. (market)- (Use)
840021 Rescue service etc. (market)- (Use)
P Education- (Use)
85202 Education (non-market)- (Use)
850010 Primary education- (Use)
850020 Secondary education- (Use)
850030 Higher education- (Use)
850042 Education (non-market)- (Use)
85101 Education (market)- (Use)
850041 Education (market)- (Use)
Q Human health and social work- (Use)
QA Human health activities- (Use)
86000 Human health activities- (Use)
860010 Hospital activities- (Use)
860020 Medical and dental practice activities- (Use)
QB Residential care- (Use)
87880 Residential care- (Use)
870000 Residential care activities- (Use)
880000 Social work activities without accommodation- (Use)
R_S Arts, entertainment and other services- (Use)
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities- (Use)
90920 Arts and entertainment; libraries, mUseums and other cultural activities; gambling- (Use)
900000 Theatres, concerts, and arts activities- (Use)
910001 Libraries, mUseums and other cultural activities (market)- (Use)
910002 Libraries, mUseums and other cultural activities (non-market)- (Use)
920000 Gambling and betting activities- (Use)
93000 Sports activities and amUsement and recreation activities- (Use)
930011 Sports activities (market)- (Use)
930012 Sports activities (non-market)- (Use)
930020 AmUsement and recreation activities- (Use)
SA Other service activities- (Use)
94000 Activities of membership organisations- (Use)
940000 Activities of membership organisations- (Use)
95000 Repair of personal goods- (Use)
950000 Repair of personal goods- (Use)
96000 Other personal service activities- (Use)
960000 Other personal service activities- (Use)
SB Activities of hoUseholds as employers of domestic personnel- (Use)
97000 Activities of hoUseholds as employers of domestic personnel- (Use)
970000 Activities of hoUseholds as employers of domestic personnel- (Use)
Total Final Demand-(Use)
Total Private Consumption-(Use)
10 Food-(Use)
110 Food-(Use)
1110 Bread and cereals -(Use)
1120 Meat-(Use)
1130 Fish-(Use)
1141 Eggs-(Use)
1142 Milk, cream, yoghurt etc.-(Use)
1143 Cheese-(Use)
1150 Butter, oils and fats-(Use)
1160 Fruit and vegetables except potatoes-(Use)
1171 Potatoes etc.-(Use)
1181 Sugar-(Use)
1182 Ice cream, chocolate and confectionery-(Use)
1190 Food products n.e.c.-(Use)
120 Non-alcoholic beverages-(Use)
1210 Coffee, tea and cocoa-(Use)
1220 Mineral waters, soft drinks and juices-(Use)
20 Beverages and tobacco-(Use)
210 Alcoholic beverages-(Use)
2110 Wine and spirits-(Use)
2130 Beer-(Use)
220 Tobacco-(Use)
2210 Tobacco-(Use)
30 Clothing and footwear-(Use)
310 Clothing -(Use)
3110 Garments and clothing materials etc.-(Use)
3140 Laundering, dry cleaning etc.-(Use)
320 Footwear-(Use)
3200 Footwear-(Use)
40 Housing-(Use)
410 Actual rentals for housing-(Use)
4100 Actual rentals for housing-(Use)
420 Imputed rentals for housing-(Use)
4200 Imputed rentals for housing-(Use)
430 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling-(Use)
4300 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling-(Use)
440 Other services relating to the dwelling-(Use)
4410 Refuse collection, other services n.e.c.-(Use)
4430 Water supply and sewerage services-(Use)
45 Electricity, gas and other fuels-(Use)
450 Electricity, gas and other fuels-(Use)
4510 Electricity-(Use)
4520 Gas-(Use)
4530 Liquid fuels-(Use)
4540 Hot water, steam etc.-(Use)
50 Furnishing, hoUsehold equipment etc.-(Use)
510 Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc.-(Use)
5100 Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc.-(Use)
520 HoUsehold textiles-(Use)
5200 HoUsehold textiles-(Use)
530 Major hoUsehold appliances and repairs-(Use)
5310 Major hoUsehold appliances-(Use)
5330 Repair of major hoUsehold appliances-(Use)
540 Glass, tableware and hoUsehold utensils-(Use)
5400 Glass, tableware and hoUsehold utensils-(Use)
550 Tools and equipment for hoUse and garden-(Use)
5500 Tools and equipment for hoUse and garden-(Use)
560 Goods and services for routine hoUsehold maintenance-(Use)
5610 Non-durable hoUsehold goods-(Use)
5620 Domestic services and home care services-(Use)
60 Medical products, health services-(Use)
610 Medical products, appliances and equipment-(Use)
6111 Medical and pharmaceutical products-(Use)
6112 Therapeutic appliances and equipment-(Use)
620 Out-patient services-(Use)
6200 Out-patient services-(Use)
630 Hospital services-(Use)
6300 Hospital services-(Use)
71 Purchase of vehicles-(Use)
710 Purchase of vehicles-(Use)
7100 7100 Vehicles etc.-(Use)
720 Operation of personal transport equipment-(Use)
7210 Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles-(Use)
7220 Fuels and lubricants-(Use)
7240 Other services in respect of personal transport equipment-(Use)
730 Transport services-(Use)
7300 Transport services-(Use)
79 Other transport and communication-(Use)
810 Communications-(Use)
8100 Communications-(Use)
90 Recreation and culture-(Use)
910 Audio-visual, photographic and data proc. equipment etc. -(Use)
9110 Radio and television sets etc.-(Use)
9120 Photographic equipment etc.-(Use)
9130 Data processing equipment-(Use)
9140 Recording media for pictures and sound-(Use)
9150 Repair of a/v and data processing equipment-(Use)
920 Other major durables for recreation and culture-(Use)
9200 Other major durables for recreation and culture-(Use)
930 Other recreational items and equipment-(Use)
9300 Other recreational items and equipment-(Use)
940 Recreational and cultural services-(Use)
9400 Recreational and cultural services-(Use)
950 Newspapers, books and stationery-(Use)
9510 Books, newspapers and periodicals-(Use)
9530 Stationery and drawing materials etc.-(Use)
960 Package holidays-(Use)
9600 Package holidays-(Use)
970 Education-(Use)
9700 Education-(Use)
98 Other goods and services-(Use)
981 Catering-(Use)
9810 Catering-(Use)
982 Accommodation services-(Use)
9820 Accommodation services-(Use)
99 Balance of tourism, net-(Use)
991 Personal care-(Use)
9911 Hairdressing salons etc.-(Use)
9912 Appliances, articles and products for personal care-(Use)
992 Personal effects n.e.c.-(Use)
9921 Jewellery, clocks and watches-(Use)
9922 Other personal effects-(Use)
993 Social protection services-(Use)
9931 Retirement homes, day-care centres etc.-(Use)
9932 Kindergartens, creches etc.-(Use)
994 Insurance-(Use)
9940 Insurance-(Use)
995 Financial services n.e.c.-(Use)
9950 Financial services n.e.c.-(Use)
996 Other services n.e.c.-(Use)
9960 Other services n.e.c.-(Use)
998 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory-(Use)
9980 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory-(Use)
999 Consumption of residents in the ROW-(Use)
9990 Consumption of residents in the ROW-(Use)
2031 Non-profit institutions serving hoUseholds (NPISH)-(Use)
Total Government Consumption-(Use)
Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Market Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Medical and pharmaceutical products-(Use)
Therapeutic appliances and equipment-(Use)
Out-patient services-(Use)
Transport services-(Use)
Individual market govt. consumption n.e.c.-(Use)
Non-market Individual Government Consumption-(Use)
Out-patient services.-(Use)
Hospital services-(Use)
Recreational and cultural services-(Use)
Retirement homes, day-care centres etc.-(Use)
Kindergartens, creches etc.-(Use)
Total Collective Government Consumption-(Use)
General public services-(Use)
Public order and safety-(Use)
Economic affairs-(Use)
Environmental protection-(Use)
Housing and community amenities-(Use)
Recreation, culture and religion-(Use)
Social protection-(Use)
Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation-(Use)
Machines and equipment-(Use)
Other buildings-(Use)
Civil engineering works-(Use)
Valuables, net-(Use)
Purchased and own-account computer software-(Use)
Entertainment, literary or artistic originals-(Use)
Mineral exploration-(Use)
Change in Stocks, net-(Use)
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Statistics Denmark