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Danish Production
Imports Specified by Industry
- of this: Import Duties (from 1990)
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8-grouping 26-grouping 52-grouping 130-grouping
Agriculture, horticulture and forestry-(Supplying)
Horticulture, orchards etc.-(Supplying)
Horticulture, orchards etc.-(Supplying)
Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc.-(Supplying)
Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc.-(Supplying)
Agriculture, fishing and quarrying-(Supplying)
Mining and quarrying-(Supplying)
Extr. of oil and natural gas-(Supplying)
Extr. of oil and natural gas-(Supplying)
Extr. of gravel and clay etc.-(Supplying)
Extr. of gravel and clay etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco-(Supplying)
Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco-(Supplying)
Production etc. of meat and meat products-(Supplying)
Processing and preserving of fish and fish products-(Supplying)
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables-(Supplying)
Mfr. of vegetable and animal oils and fats-(Supplying)
Mfr. of dairy products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of starch, chocolate and sugar products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of bread, cakes and biscuits-(Supplying)
Bakers shops-(Supplying)
Manufacture of sugar-(Supplying)
Manufacture of beverages-(Supplying)
Manufacture of tobacco products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of textiles -(Supplying)
Mfr. of textiles and leather-(Supplying)
Mfr. of textiles and leather-(Supplying)
Mfr. of wearing apparel-(Supplying)
Mfr. of leather and footwear-(Supplying)
Mfr. of wood and wood products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of wood and wood products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of wood products, printing and publ.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of paper prod.; printing and publish.-(Supplying)
Publishing of newspapers-(Supplying)
Publishing activities, excluding newspapers-(Supplying)
Printing activities-(Supplying)
Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of chemicals, plastic products etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of chemicals-(Supplying)
Mfr. of industrial gases and inorganic bacis chemicals-(Supplying)
Mfr. of dyes, pigments and organic bacis chemicals-(Supplying)
Manufacture of fertilizers-(Supplying)
Mfr. of plastics and synthetic rubber-(Supplying)
Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemical products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics-(Supplying)
Mfr. of pharmaceuticals etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of detergents and other chemical products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of rubber and plastic products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of rubber products and plastic packing goods etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of builders ware of plastic-(Supplying)
Manufacture of other plastic products n.e.c.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of glass and ceramic goods etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of cement, bricks, tiles, flags etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of concrete, cement, asphalt and rockwool products-(Supplying)
Mfr. and processing of basic metals-(Supplying)
Mfr. of basic metals and fabr. metal prod.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of basic iron and steel and of ferro alloys-(Supplying)
First processing of iron and steel-(Supplying)
Mfr. of basic non-ferrous metals-(Supplying)
Casting of metal products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of building materials of metal-(Supplying)
Mfr. of various metal products-(Supplying)
Mfr. of machinery and equipment-(Supplying)
Mfr. of marine engines and compressors -(Supplying)
Mfr. of ovens and cold-storage plants-(Supplying)
Mfr. of agricultural machinery-(Supplying)
Mfr. of machinery for industries-(Supplying)
Mfr. of domestic appliances-(Supplying)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(Supplying)
Mfr. of office machinery and computers-(Supplying)
Mfr. of electrical components-(Supplying)
Mfr. of other electrical machinery and apparatus-(Supplying)
Mfr. of radio and communication equipment-(Supplying)
Mfr. of medical and optical instruments-(Supplying)
Manufacture of motor vehicles etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of transport equipment-(Supplying)
Building and repairing of ships and boats-(Supplying)
Mfr. of transport equipment excl. ships, motor vehicles etc.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.-(Supplying)
Mfr. of furniture-(Supplying)
Mfr. of toys, gold and silver articles etc.-(Supplying)
Recycling of waste and scrap-(Supplying)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(Supplying)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(Supplying)
Production and distribution of electricity-(Supplying)
Manufacture and distribution of gas-(Supplying)
Steam and hot water supply-(Supplying)
Collection and distribution of water-(Supplying)
Construction of new buildings-(Supplying)
Repair and maintenance of buildings-(Supplying)
Civil engineering-(Supplying)
Construction materials for own-account repair-(Supplying)
Wholesale and retail trade;-(Supplying)
Sale and repair of motor vehicles, sale of auto. fuel -(Supplying)
Sale and repair of motor vehicles, sale of auto. fuel -(Supplying)
Sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles-(Supplying)
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles-(Supplying)
Retail sale of automotive fuel-(Supplying)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(Supplying)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(Supplying)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(Supplying)
Re. trade and repair work exc. of m. vehicles-(Supplying)
Retail trade of food -(Supplying)
Retail trade of food -(Supplying)
Department stores-(Supplying)
Department stores-(Supplying)
Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art.-(Supplying)
Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art.-(Supplying)
Re. sale of clothing and footwear-(Supplying)
Re. sale of clothing and footwear-(Supplying)
Other retail sale, repair work-(Supplying)
Other retail sale, repair work-(Supplying)
Hotel and restaurants-(Supplying)
Hotel and restaurants-(Supplying)
Restaurants -(Supplying)
Transport, post and telecommunication-(Supplying)
Land transport and transport via pipelines-(Supplying)
Transport via railways-(Supplying)
Other scheduled passenger land transport-(Supplying)
Taxi operation and coach services-(Supplying)
Freight transport by road and via pipelines-(Supplying)
Water transport-(Supplying)
Water transport-(Supplying)
Air transport-(Supplying)
Air transport-(Supplying)
Supporting transport activities-(Supplying)
Cargo handling, harbours etc., travel agencies-(Supplying)
Activities of other transport agencies-(Supplying)
Post and telecommunications-(Supplying)
Post and telecommunications-(Supplying)
Post and telecommunications-(Supplying)
Finance and insurance -(Supplying)
Financial institutions-(Supplying)
Mortgage credit institutions-(Supplying)
Insurance -(Supplying)
Life insurance and pension funding-(Supplying)
Non-life insurance-(Supplying)
Activities auxiliary to finance-(Supplying)
Activities auxiliary to finance-(Supplying)
Finance and business activities-(Supplying)
Real estate activities-(Supplying)
Letting and sale og real estate -(Supplying)
Real estate agents etc.-(Supplying)
Letting of non-residential buildings-(Supplying)
Renting of transport equipment and machinery-(Supplying)
Renting of transport equipment and machinery-(Supplying)
Computer and related activities-(Supplying)
Business activities-(Supplying)
Computer activities exc. software consultancy and supply-(Supplying)
Software consultancy and supply-(Supplying)
Research and development-(Supplying)
Research and development (market)-(Supplying)
Research and development (other non-market)-(Supplying)
Consultancy and cleaning activities etc.-(Supplying)
Legal activities-(Supplying)
Accounting, book-keeping, auditing -(Supplying)
Consulting engineers, architects -(Supplying)
Building-cleaning activities-(Supplying)
Other business activities-(Supplying)
Public administration -(Supplying)
Public administration -(Supplying)
General (overall) public service activities-(Supplying)
Administration of public sectors exc. for bisiness-(Supplying)
Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of business-(Supplying)
Defence, police and administration of justice-(Supplying)
Public and personal services-(Supplying)
Primary education-(Supplying)
Secondary education-(Supplying)
Higher education-(Supplying)
Adult and other education (market)-(Supplying)
Adult and other education (other non-market)-(Supplying)
Health care activities-(Supplying)
Hospital activities-(Supplying)
Medical, dental and veterinary activities-(Supplying)
Health care activities-(Supplying)
Social institutions etc. for children-(Supplying)
Social institutions etc. for children-(Supplying)
Social institutions etc. for adults-(Supplying)
Social institutions etc. for adults-(Supplying)
Social institutions etc.-(Supplying)
Sewage and refuse disp. and similar act.-(Supplying)
Sewage removal and purifying plants-(Supplying)
Refuse collection and sanitation-(Supplying)
Refuse dumps and refuse disposal plants-(Supplying)
Associations, culture and refuse disposal-(Supplying)
Activities of membership organizations-(Supplying)
Activities of membership organizations-(Supplying)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities-(Supplying)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (market)-(Supplying)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (other non-market)-(Supplying)
Other service activities-(Supplying)
Other service activities-(Supplying)
Private households with employed persons-(Supplying)
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8-grouping (by industry) 12-grouping (by private consumption) 26-grouping (by industry) 41-grouping (by private consumption) 52-grouping (by industry) 73-grouping (by private consumption) 130-grouping (by industry)
Total Use-(USE)
Total Intermedialte Consumption-(USE)
0109 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry-(USE)
011009 Agriculture-(USE)
01109 Agriculture-(USE)
011209 Horticulture, orchards etc.-(USE)
01129 Horticulture, orchards etc.-(USE)
01400 Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc.-(USE)
014000 Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc.-(USE)
02000 Forestry-(USE)
020000 Forestry-(USE)
0500 Fishing-(USE)
05000 Fishing-(USE)
050000 Fishing-(USE)
Agriculture, fishing and quarrying-(USE)
Mining and quarrying-(USE)
Extr. of oil and natural gas-(USE)
Extr. of oil and natural gas-(USE)
Extr. of gravel and clay etc.-(USE)
Extr. of gravel and clay etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco-(USE)
Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco-(USE)
Production etc. of meat and meat products-(USE)
Processing and preserving of fish and fish products-(USE)
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables-(USE)
Mfr. of vegetable and animal oils and fats-(USE)
Mfr. of dairy products-(USE)
Mfr. of starch, chocolate and sugar products-(USE)
Mfr. of bread, cakes and biscuits-(USE)
Bakers shops-(USE)
Manufacture of sugar-(USE)
Manufacture of beverages-(USE)
Manufacture of tobacco products-(USE)
Mfr. of textiles -(USE)
Mfr. of textiles and leather-(USE)
Mfr. of textiles and leather-(USE)
Mfr. of wearing apparel-(USE)
Mfr. of leather and footwear-(USE)
Mfr. of wood and wood products-(USE)
Mfr. of wood and wood products-(USE)
Mfr. of wood products, printing and publ.-(USE)
Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products-(USE)
Mfr. of paper prod.; printing and publish.-(USE)
Publishing of newspapers-(USE)
Publishing activities, excluding newspapers-(USE)
Printing activities-(USE)
Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of chemicals, plastic products etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of chemicals-(USE)
Mfr. of industrial gases and inorganic bacis chemicals-(USE)
Mfr. of dyes, pigments and organic bacis chemicals-(USE)
Manufacture of fertilizers-(USE)
Mfr. of plastics and synthetic rubber-(USE)
Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemical products-(USE)
Mfr. of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics-(USE)
Mfr. of pharmaceuticals etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of detergents and other chemical products-(USE)
Mfr. of rubber and plastic products-(USE)
Mfr. of rubber products and plastic packing goods etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of builders ware of plastic-(USE)
Manufacture of other plastic products n.e.c.-(USE)
Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products-(USE)
Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products-(USE)
Mfr. of glass and ceramic goods etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of cement, bricks, tiles, flags etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of concrete, cement, asphalt and rockwool products-(USE)
Mfr. and processing of basic metals-(USE)
Mfr. of basic metals and fabr. metal prod.-(USE)
Mfr. of basic iron and steel and of ferro alloys-(USE)
First processing of iron and steel-(USE)
Mfr. of basic non-ferrous metals-(USE)
Casting of metal products-(USE)
Mfr. of building materials of metal-(USE)
Mfr. of various metal products-(USE)
Mfr. of machinery and equipment-(USE)
Mfr. of marine engines and compressors -(USE)
Mfr. of ovens and cold-storage plants-(USE)
Mfr. of agricultural machinery-(USE)
Mfr. of machinery for industries-(USE)
Mfr. of domestic appliances-(USE)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(USE)
Mfr. of office machinery and computers-(USE)
Mfr. of electrical components-(USE)
Mfr. of other electrical machinery and apparatus-(USE)
Mfr. of radio and communication equipment-(USE)
Mfr. of medical and optical instruments-(USE)
Manufacture of motor vehicles etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of transport equipment-(USE)
Building and repairing of ships and boats-(USE)
Mfr. of transport equipment excl. ships, motor vehicles etc.-(USE)
Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.-(USE)
Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.-(USE)
Mfr. of furniture-(USE)
Mfr. of toys, gold and silver articles etc.-(USE)
Recycling of waste and scrap-(USE)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(USE)
Electricity, gas and water supply-(USE)
Production and distribution of electricity-(USE)
Manufacture and distribution of gas-(USE)
Steam and hot water supply-(USE)
Collection and distribution of water-(USE)
Construction of new buildings-(USE)
Repair and maintenance of buildings-(USE)
Civil engineering-(USE)
Construction materials for own-account repair-(USE)
Wholesale and retail trade;-(USE)
Sale and repair of motor vehicles, sale of auto. fuel -(USE)
Sale and repair of motor vehicles, sale of auto. fuel -(USE)
Sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles-(USE)
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles-(USE)
Retail sale of automotive fuel-(USE)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(USE)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(USE)
Wholesale except of motor vehicles-(USE)
Re. trade and repair work exc. of m. vehicles-(USE)
Retail trade of food -(USE)
Retail trade of food -(USE)
Department stores-(USE)
Department stores-(USE)
Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art.-(USE)
Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art.-(USE)
Re. sale of clothing and footwear-(USE)
Re. sale of clothing and footwear-(USE)
Other retail sale, repair work-(USE)
Other retail sale, repair work-(USE)
Hotel and restaurants-(USE)
Hotel and restaurants-(USE)
Restaurants -(USE)
Transport, post and telecommunication-(USE)
Land transport and transport via pipelines-(USE)
Transport via railways-(USE)
Other scheduled passenger land transport-(USE)
Taxi operation and coach services-(USE)
Freight transport by road and via pipelines-(USE)
Water transport-(USE)
Water transport-(USE)
Air transport-(USE)
Air transport-(USE)
Supporting transport activities-(USE)
Cargo handling, harbours etc., travel agencies-(USE)
Activities of other transport agencies-(USE)
Post and telecommunications-(USE)
Post and telecommunications-(USE)
Post and telecommunications-(USE)
Finance and insurance -(USE)
Financial institutions-(USE)
Mortgage credit institutions-(USE)
Insurance -(USE)
Life insurance and pension funding-(USE)
Non-life insurance-(USE)
Activities auxiliary to finance-(USE)
Activities auxiliary to finance-(USE)
Finance and business activities-(USE)
Real estate activities-(USE)
Letting and sale og real estate -(USE)
Real estate agents etc.-(USE)
Letting of non-residential buildings-(USE)
Renting of transport equipment and machinery-(USE)
Renting of transport equipment and machinery-(USE)
Computer and related activities-(USE)
Business activities-(USE)
Computer activities exc. software consultancy and supply-(USE)
Software consultancy and supply-(USE)
Research and development-(USE)
Research and development (market)-(USE)
Research and development (other non-market)-(USE)
Consultancy and cleaning activities etc.-(USE)
Legal activities-(USE)
Accounting, book-keeping, auditing -(USE)
Consulting engineers, architects -(USE)
Building-cleaning activities-(USE)
Other business activities-(USE)
Public administration -(USE)
Public administration -(USE)
General (overall) public service activities-(USE)
Administration of public sectors exc. for bisiness-(USE)
Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of business-(USE)
Defence, police and administration of justice-(USE)
Public and personal services-(USE)
Primary education-(USE)
Secondary education-(USE)
Higher education-(USE)
Adult and other education (market)-(USE)
Adult and other education (other non-market)-(USE)
Health care activities-(USE)
Hospital activities-(USE)
Medical, dental and veterinary activities-(USE)
Health care activities-(USE)
Social institutions etc. for children-(USE)
Social institutions etc. for children-(USE)
Social institutions etc. for adults-(USE)
Social institutions etc. for adults-(USE)
Social institutions etc.-(USE)
Sewage and refuse disp. and similar act.-(USE)
Sewage removal and purifying plants-(USE)
Refuse collection and sanitation-(USE)
Refuse dumps and refuse disposal plants-(USE)
Associations, culture and refuse disposal-(USE)
Activities of membership organizations-(USE)
Activities of membership organizations-(USE)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities-(USE)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (market)-(USE)
Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (other non-market)-(USE)
Other service activities-(USE)
Other service activities-(USE)
Private households with employed persons-(USE)
Total Final Demand-(USE)
Total Private Consumption-(USE)
10 Food-(USE)
110 Food-(USE)
1110 Bread and cereals -(USE)
1120 Meat-(USE)
1130 Fish-(USE)
1141 Eggs-(USE)
1142 Milk, cream, yoghurt etc.-(USE)
1143 Cheese-(USE)
1150 Butter, oils and fats-(USE)
1160 Fruit and vegetables except potatoes-(USE)
1171 Potatoes etc.-(USE)
1181 Sugar-(USE)
1182 Ice cream, chocolate and confectionery-(USE)
1190 Food products n.e.c.-(USE)
120 Non-alcoholic beverages-(USE)
1210 Coffee, tea and cocoa-(USE)
1220 Mineral waters, soft drinks and juices-(USE)
20 Beverages and tobacco-(USE)
210 Alcoholic beverages-(USE)
2110 Wine and spirits-(USE)
2130 Beer-(USE)
220 Tobacco-(USE)
2210 Tobacco-(USE)
30 Clothing and footwear-(USE)
310 Clothing -(USE)
3110 Garments and clothing materials etc.-(USE)
3140 Laundering, dry cleaning etc.-(USE)
320 Footwear-(USE)
3200 Footwear-(USE)
40 Housing-(USE)
410 Actual rentals for housing-(USE)
4100 Actual rentals for housing-(USE)
420 Imputed rentals for housing-(USE)
4200 Imputed rentals for housing-(USE)
430 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling-(USE)
4300 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling-(USE)
440 Other services relating to the dwelling-(USE)
4410 Refuse collection, other services n.e.c.-(USE)
4430 Water supply and sewerage services-(USE)
45 Electricity, gas and other fuels-(USE)
450 Electricity, gas and other fuels-(USE)
4510 Electricity-(USE)
4520 Gas-(USE)
4530 Liquid fuels-(USE)
4540 Hot water, steam etc.-(USE)
50 Furnishing, household equipment etc.-(USE)
510 Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc.-(USE)
5100 Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc.-(USE)
520 Household textiles-(USE)
5200 Household textiles-(USE)
530 Major household appliances and repairs-(USE)
5310 Major household appliances-(USE)
5330 Repair of major household appliances-(USE)
540 Glass, tableware and household utensils-(USE)
5400 Glass, tableware and household utensils-(USE)
550 Tools and equipment for house and garden-(USE)
5500 Tools and equipment for house and garden-(USE)
560 Goods and services for routine household maintenance-(USE)
5610 Non-durable household goods-(USE)
5620 Domestic services and home care services-(USE)
60 Medical products, health services-(USE)
610 Medical products, appliances and equipment-(USE)
6111 Medical and pharmaceutical products-(USE)
6112 Therapeutic appliances and equipment-(USE)
620 Out-patient services-(USE)
6200 Out-patient services-(USE)
630 Hospital services-(USE)
6300 Hospital services-(USE)
71 Purchase of vehicles-(USE)
710 Purchase of vehicles-(USE)
7100 7100 Vehicles etc.-(USE)
720 Operation of personal transport equipment-(USE)
7210 Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles-(USE)
7220 Fuels and lubricants-(USE)
7240 Other services in respect of personal transport equipment-(USE)
730 Transport services-(USE)
7300 Transport services-(USE)
79 Other transport and communication-(USE)
810 Communications-(USE)
8100 Communications-(USE)
90 Recreation and culture-(USE)
910 Audio-visual, photographic and data proc. equipment etc. -(USE)
9110 Radio and television sets etc.-(USE)
9120 Photographic equipment etc.-(USE)
9130 Data processing equipment-(USE)
9140 Recording media for pictures and sound-(USE)
9150 Repair of a/v and data processing equipment-(USE)
920 Other major durables for recreation and culture-(USE)
9200 Other major durables for recreation and culture-(USE)
930 Other recreational items and equipment-(USE)
9300 Other recreational items and equipment-(USE)
940 Recreational and cultural services-(USE)
9400 Recreational and cultural services-(USE)
950 Newspapers, books and stationery-(USE)
9510 Books, newspapers and periodicals-(USE)
9530 Stationery and drawing materials etc.-(USE)
960 Package holidays-(USE)
9600 Package holidays-(USE)
970 Education-(USE)
9700 Education-(USE)
98 Other goods and services-(USE)
981 Catering-(USE)
9810 Catering-(USE)
982 Accommodation services-(USE)
9820 Accommodation services-(USE)
99 Balance of tourism, net-(USE)
991 Personal care-(USE)
9911 Hairdressing salons etc.-(USE)
9912 Appliances, articles and products for personal care-(USE)
992 Personal effects n.e.c.-(USE)
9921 Jewellery, clocks and watches-(USE)
9922 Other personal effects-(USE)
993 Social protection services-(USE)
9931 Retirement homes, day-care centres etc.-(USE)
9932 Kindergartens, creches etc.-(USE)
994 Insurance-(USE)
9940 Insurance-(USE)
995 Financial services n.e.c.-(USE)
9950 Financial services n.e.c.-(USE)
996 Other services n.e.c.-(USE)
9960 Other services n.e.c.-(USE)
998 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory-(USE)
9980 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory-(USE)
999 Consumption of residents in the ROW-(USE)
9990 Consumption of residents in the ROW-(USE)
2031 Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)-(USE)
Total Government Consumption-(USE)
Individual Government Consumption-(USE)
Market Individual Government Consumption-(USE)
Medical and pharmaceutical products-(USE)
Therapeutic appliances and equipment-(USE)
Out-patient services-(USE)
Transport services-(USE)
Individual market govt. consumption n.e.c.-(USE)
Non-market Individual Government Consumption-(USE)
Out-patient services.-(USE)
Hospital services-(USE)
Recreational and cultural services-(USE)
Retirement homes, day-care centres etc.-(USE)
Kindergartens, crèches etc.-(USE)
Total Collective Government Consumption-(USE)
General public services-(USE)
Public order and safety-(USE)
Economic affairs-(USE)
Environmental protection-(USE)
Housing and community amenities-(USE)
Recreation, culture and religion-(USE)
Social protection-(USE)
Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation-(USE)
Machines and equipment-(USE)
Other buildings-(USE)
Civil engineering works-(USE)
Valuables, net-(USE)
Purchased and own-account computer software-(USE)
Entertainment, literary or artistic originals-(USE)
Mineral exploration-(USE)
Change in Stocks, net-(USE)