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StatBank Denmark Business
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    KBD1K: Trends in Retail Trade, balances (seasonally adjusted) by industry, indicator, seasonal adjustment and progress (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : Per cent

    This table contains seasonally adjusted balances at the Retail Trade (45 &47) level, and at the level for Motor Vehicle Trade (45) and Retail Trade excl. vehicles (47), if seasonal pattern is detected. The table KBD1K will no longer be updated.

     Select   Advanced selection   Information 
    industry (3)
    indicator (4)
    seasonal adjustment (2)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    progress (2)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    (select max. 10000)
    12-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,