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StatBank Denmark Business
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    FODER2: Fodder use in Agriculture by type of fodder and use
    Unit : m kg

    From 2020 the fodder types "Beet residue and pulp" and "Tapioca, citrus and guar meals" have stopped. The new fodder types are "Sugat beets pellets, dried and wet sugar beet pulp and potato pulp" and "Citrus pulp, pellets and other vegetable residual products". The large increase in Cereal products for feeding from 2020/21 is due to the addition of new products, including wheat gluten and non-burnt malt used for feeding. Reorganization of the statistics results in a data breach in 2022, as there is no longer direct comparability with previous years in the use of the feed materials in both feed mixtures and as single feed substances. Figures for last two years are provisional.

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    7-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,