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StatBank Denmark Business
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    FIREGN2: Accounts statistics for fishery (average per unit) by vessel length and items
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    There is a break in the series for 2022, because of a change in the calculation basis for the threshold level, as well as a new and improved basis for classifying which fishing types the vessels are grouped into. In 2022, the basis for calculating the threshold level has changed from a fixed threshold value a calculated value based on the year's landing values. The population thus covers 98 per cent. of the business's registered landing value. The threshold level in 2022 was DKK 415,801 against DKK 270,000 in 2021. In 2022, the basis for calculating the classification of fishing type has changed. The type of fishery is calculated based on the registered fishing gear used for each fishery. The most used fishing type defines the type of fishing under which the vessel is classified. This has meant that the seine/net/trawl type of fishing has been discontinued and that the seine wet fishing type for vessels between 15 and 18 meters has been reintroduced.

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    16-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,