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StatBank Denmark Economy
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    DNFIK: Quarterly financial accounts by sector, data type, account entry, financial instrument and counterpart sector (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : DKK bn

    Observations from 2005Q1 to 2012Q4 is based on back data. Back data is produced according to the same balancing principles and methods as the current data. Furthermore there has been made use of a more detailed sector breakdown than in the original underlying data. Information on counterparty sectors has not been available to such an extent for the periods prior to 2012Q4 that it has been possible to publish data stating counterparty sectors.

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    sector (14)
    data type (4)
    account entry (2)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    financial instrument (28)
    counterpart sector (16)
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    (select max. 10000)
    13-2-2025 Danmarks Nationalbank ,