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StatBank Denmark People
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    DAGTIL4: Recipients of subsidy to private day-care and day-care of own children by region, type of grants and affected
    Unit : Number

    From 2023 the statistics for Private day-care and Day-care of own children are discretionary. This means that only values greater than 2 are published. The number of families is missing in 2009 for Tønder municipality, in 2010 for Ballerup and Sønderborg municipalities, in 2011 for Vordingborg and Assens municipalities, in 2012 for Ringsted and Ærø municipalities, in 2013 for Faaborg-Midtfyn municipality. The missing numbers are not included in the sum for all Denmark.

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    affected (2)
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    14-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,