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StatBank Denmark Business
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    BYG42: Construction cost index for residential buildings (2015=100) by main index, sub index, kind and unit (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : -

    Please note! With the publication of the Construction cost index for residential buildings for the 1st quarter of 2024, the base year has been changed to 2021 = 100 and the weight basis has been updated. Going forward the statistic will be published in the table BYG43, which replaces BYG42 (2015 = 100). BYG42 is discontinued, and users are referred to BYG43 for future updates of Construction cost index for residential buildings. In BYG43, all indices have been rescaled to 2021 = 100. This affects historical index levels, but not quarterly or yearly development rates, although due to the rounding of decimals during the switch, development rates may differ in a magnitude of +/- 0.1 percentage points compared to previous listings.

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    main index (3)
    sub index (17)
    kind (3)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    unit (3)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    (select max. 10000)
    16-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,