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StatBank Denmark People
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    BOERN8: Ratios in municipal and self-governing day care, family day care and pool scheme institutions by municipality and category of child care
    Unit : Number

    From the reporting year 2023, Statistics Denmark publishes ratios that account for the following three adjustments, as set out in Executive Order No. 1809 of 28 December 2023 on the calculation of child-to-staff ratios in ECEC facilities, which came into force on 1 January 2024:

    (1. correction) Children who are moved to kindergarten before they turn three years and one month old are ensured a staffing ratio of at least one educational staff member per three children until the first day of the month after they turn three.

    (2. correction) Childcare managers are included with a weight of 85 percent instead of 100 per cent.

    (3. correction) Government funds allocated for social staffing are excluded from the ratios As a result, the ratios in the table BOERN8 are not directly comparable to the historical ratios in the discontinued table BOERN3 (2015-2022), which do not include these three adjustments.

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    14-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,