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StatBank Denmark People
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    BEF607: Mid-year population (population 1. July) by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : Number

    On July 1 2007 Statistics Denmark has changed the compilation of population statistics. Due to the change it's now possible more highly to consider the cancellations and adjustments made by the local registrations offices in their reports to CPR. In the new compilation only events happened in the quarter in question and reported with less than 30 days delay are included.

    Select via maps
     Select   Advanced selection   Information 
    region (105)
    sex (2)
    marital status (7)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    age (126)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    (select max. 10000)
    7-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,