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StatBank Denmark
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    Population figures
    FOLK1A: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and marital status (2008Q1-2025Q1)
    FOLK1AM: Population at the first day of the month by region, sex and age (2021M10-2025M01)
    BEFOLK1: Population 1. January by sex, age and marital status (1971-2025)
    BEFOLK2: Population 1. January by sex and age (1901-2025)
    FOLK3: Population 1. January by day of birth, birth month and year of birth (2008-2025)
    FOLK3FOD: Population 1. January by day of birth, birth month and country of birth (2008-2025)
    BEF5: Population 1. January by sex, age and country of birth (1990-2025)
    FT: Population from the censuses (1769-2025)
    HISB3: Summary vital statistics (1901-2025)
    BEF1A07: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2009)
    BEF1A: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2006)
    BEF1: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED) (1971-2002)
    HISB4: Population 1. January by sex and age (5 years age groups) (DISCONTINUED) (1901-1970)
    HISB6: Population by sex and age (10 years age groups) (DISCONTINUED) (1787-1890)
    BEF607: Mid-year population (population 1. July) by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2008)
    BEF6: Mid-year population (population 1. July) by municipality, sex, age and marital status (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    Urban areas and islands
    BY1: Population 1. January by urban, rural areas, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BY2: Population 1. January by municipality, size of the city, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BY3: Population 1. January by urban, rural areas and population, area and population density (2017-2024)
    BEF4: Population 1. January by islands (1901-2024)
    HISB5: Mid-year population by sex and age (5 years age groups) (DISCONTINUED) (1901-1992)
    BEF44: Population 1. January by urban, rural areas (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2014)
    BEF4A: Population 1. January by urban, rural areas (DISCONTINUED) (1976-2004)
    BEFS4: Population 1. January by parishes (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2008)
    BEF4B: Population 1. January by parishes (DISCONTINUED) (1976-2006)
    Postal codes and parishes
    POSTNR1: Population 1. January by postal code, sex and age (2010-2025)
    POSTNR2: Population 1. January by municipality, postal code, sex and age (2010-2025)
    PNR1: Key figures by region (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2005)
    KM1: Population at the first day of the quarter by parish and member of the National Church (2007Q1-2025Q1)
    SOGN1: Population 1. January by parish, sex and age (2010-2025)
    SOGN10: Population 1. January by parish (DISCONTINUED) (1925-2022)
    Municipality groups
    LABY02: Population i percentage of all in the same municipality group by municipality Groups and age (2008-2025)
    LABY03: Population i percentage of all with the same age by municipality groups and age (2008-2025)
    LABY05: Persons, who lived in the same municipality group as they did 20 years ago by municipality groups and age (2007-2025)
    Born in the Faroe Islands or in Greenland
    BEF5F: People born in Faroe Islands and living in Denmark 1. January by sex, age and parents place of birth (2008-2025)
    BEF5G: People born in Greenland and living in Denmark 1. January by sex, age and parents place of birth (2008-2025)
    Vital statistics
    BEV22: Summary vital statistics (provisional data) by region, type of movement and sex (2007Q2-2024Q4)
    LABY01: Population increase per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and type of movement (2007-2024)
    BEV107: Summary vital statistics by municipality, new increases/stock and sex (2006-2024)
    KMSTA003: Summary vital statistics by parish and movements (2015-2024)
    BEV2: Summary vital statistics (provisional data) by region, type of movement and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1988Q1-2006Q3)
    BEV1: Summary vital statistics by municipality, new increases/stock and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2005)
    BEV21: Summary vital statistics (provisional data) by type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (1988Q1-2015Q4)
    Average age
    GALDER: Average age 1. January by municipality and sex (2005-2025)
    KMGALDER: Average age 1. January by parish and sex (2007-2025)
    Immigrants and their descendants
    FOLK1B: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age (5 years age groups) and citizenship (2008Q1-2025Q1)
    FOLK1C: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age (5 years age groups), ancestry and country of origin (2008Q1-2025Q1)
    FOLK1D: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and group of citizenship (2008Q1-2025Q1)
    FOLK1E: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and ancestry (2008Q1-2025Q1)
    FOLK2: Population 1. January by sex, age, ancestry, country of origin and citizenship (1980-2025)
    DKSTAT: People, who have acquired Danish citizenship by sex, age and former citizenship (1979-2024)
    IEPCT: The groups of ancestry share of the total population 1. January by ancestry (1980-2025)
    KMSTA001: Population 1. January by parish, ancestry and member of the National Church (2008-2025)
    KRBEF2A: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age, marital status and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
    BEF2A: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age, marital status and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2006)
    KRBEF3: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age, ancestry, country of origin and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
    BEF3: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age, ancestry, country of origin and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2006)
    BEF707: Population 1. July by municipality, sex, age, marital status and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2008)
    BEF7: Population 1. July by municipality, sex, age, marital status and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    Country of birth of parents
    KRYDS1: Population 1. January by the origin of the main character, the country of birth of the main character, the citizenship of the main character, the country of birth of the mother, mothers citizenship, the country of birth of the father and the citizens (2019-2025)
    KRYDS2: People of Danish origin 1. January by the country of birth of the main character, country of birth and citizenship of the parents and age of the main character (2019-2025)
    KRYDS3: Population 1. January by the origin of the main character, the country of birth of the main character, the country of birth of the mother and the country of birth of the father (2019-2025)
    KRYDS4: Population 1. January by the origin of the main character, country of birth and citizenship of the parents and age of the main character (2019-2025)
    Permits of residence
    INDOPH1: Immigrants 1. January by first permit of residence and region (2008-2024)
    INDOPH2: Immigrants 1. January by first permit of residence and group of countries of origin (2008-2024)
    INDOPH3: Immigrants 1. January by present permit of residence and region (2008-2024)
    INDOPH4: Immigrants 1. January by present permit of residence and group of countries of origin (2008-2024)
    Children of descendants
    EB1: Children of descendants 1. January by original ancestry, sex, age (5 years age groups) and country of origin (2007-2025)
    EB2: Children of descendants 1. January by Original ancestry, sex, age and country of origin (2007-2025)
    EB3: Children of descendants 1. January by original ancestry, sex, age (5 years age groups), country of origin and region (2007-2025)
    EB4: Population 1. January by ancestry, sex, age, country of origin and region (2008-2025)
    Asylum applications and residence permits
    VAN5M: Asylum applications by citizenship and type of asylum (2014M01-2024M12)
    VAN5: Asylum applications by citizenship and type of asylum (DISCONTINUED) (1990Q1-2023Q3)
    VAN5RKAM: Asylum applications (asylum applications lodged in Denmark) by citizenship, sex and age (2014M01-2024M12)
    VAN5RKA: Asylum applications (asylum applications lodged in Denmark) by citizenship, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014Q1-2023Q3)
    VAN66: Residence permits (year) by type of residence permit and citizenship (1997-2023)
    VAN66KA: Residence permits (year) by type of residence permit, citizenship, sex and age (2014-2023)
    VAN66P: Permanent residence permits (year) by citizenship and residence permit (2003-2023)
    VAN77M: Residence permits (monthly) by citizenship and residence permit (2014M01-2024M12)
    VAN77: Residence permits (quarter) by type of residence permit and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1997Q1-2023Q3)
    VAN77KA: Residence permits (quarter) by type of residence permit, citizenship, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014Q1-2023Q3)
    VAN77KAM: Residence permits (monthly) by citizenship, residence permit, sex and age (2014M01-2024M12)
    VAN77PM: Permanent residence permits (monthly) by citizenship and residence permit (2015M01-2024M12)
    VAN8K: Immigrations (provisional data) (quarter) by citizenship, sex and residence permit (2016Q1-2024Q3)
    VAN8A: Immigrations (year) by citizenship, sex and residence permit (1997-2023)
    VAN5KA: Asylum applications by citizenship, sex, age and type of asylum (DISCONTINUED) (2014Q1-2019Q2)
    VAN6: Residence permits (year) by citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2011)
    VAN7: Residence permits (quarter) by citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006Q1-2012Q3)
    VAN8: Immigrations by citizenship, sex and residence permit (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
    Population projections
    FRDK121: Population projections 2021 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2060)
    FRDK124: Population projections 2024 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (2024-2070)
    FRDK123: Population projections 2023 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2070)
    FRDK122: Population projections 2022 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2060)
    FRLD122: Population projections 2022 by region/province, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2045)
    FRLD123: Population projections 2023 by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2050)
    FRLD124: Population projections 2024 by region/province, age and sex (2024-2050)
    FRLD121: Population projections 2021 by region/province, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2045)
    FRKM122: Population projections 2022 by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2045)
    FRKM123: Population projections 2023 by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2050)
    FRKM124: Population projections 2024 by municipality, age and sex (2024-2050)
    FRKM121: Population projections 2021 by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2045)
    FRDK224: Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (2024-2070)
    FRDK223: Key figures 2023: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2070)
    FRDK222: Key figures 2022: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2060)
    FRDK221: Key figures 2021: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2060)
    FRLD224: Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by province and type of movement (2024-2050)
    FRLD223: Key figures 2023: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by region and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2050)
    FRLD222: Key figures 2022: Summary components of changes according to population projection by province and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2045)
    FRLD221: Key figures 2021: Summary components of changes according to population projection by province and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2045)
    FRKM222: Key figures 2022: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2045)
    FRKM223: Key figures 2023: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by region and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2050)
    FRKM224: Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by municipality and type of movement (2024-2050)
    FRKM221: Key figures 2021: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2045)
    FRDK324: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2024 by age and ancestry (2024-2069)
    FRDK323: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2023 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2069)
    FRDK322: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2022 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2059)
    FRDK321: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2021 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2059)
    FRDK422: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2022 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2059)
    FRDK423: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2023 by sex, age and life table (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2069)
    FRDK424: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2024 by sex, age and life table (2024-2069)
    FRDK421: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2021 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2059)
    FRDK523: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2023 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2023-2069)
    FRDK524: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2024 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (2024-2069)
    FRBEV24: Summary vital statistics by type of movement and sex (1992-2023)
    FRBEV23: Summary vital statistics by type of movement and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1992-2022)
    FRGNSK24: Summary vital statistics by type of movement, age and sex (1992-2023)
    FRDK522: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2022 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2022-2059)
    FRDK521: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2021 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2021-2059)
    FRDK120: Population projections 2020 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2060)
    FRLD120: Population projections 2020 by region/province, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2045)
    FRKM120: Population projections 2020 by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2045)
    FRDK220: Key figures 2020: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2060)
    FRLD220: Key figures 2020: Summary components of changes according to population projection by province and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2045)
    FRKM220: Key figures 2020: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2045)
    FRDK320: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2020 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2059)
    FRDK420: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2020 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2059)
    FRDK520: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2020 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2020-2059)
    FRDK119: Population projections 2019 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2060)
    FRLD119: Population projections 2019 by region/province, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2045)
    FRKM119: Population projections 2019 by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2045)
    FRDK219: Key figures 2019: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2060)
    FRLD219: Key figures 2019: Summary components of changes according to population projection by province and type of movement (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2045)
    FRKM219: Key figures 2019: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2045)
    FRDK319: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2019 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2059)
    FRDK419: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2019 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2059)
    FRDK519: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2019 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2019-2059)
    FRDK118: Population projections 2018 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2060)
    FRLD118: Population projections 2018 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2045)
    FRKM118: Population projections 2018 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2045)
    FRDK218: Key figures 2018: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and new increases/stock (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2060)
    FRLD218: Key figures 2018: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2045)
    FRKM218: Key figures 2018: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2045)
    FRDK318: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2018 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2059)
    FRDK418: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2018 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2059)
    FRDK518: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2018 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2059)
    FRDK117: Population projections 2017 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2060)
    FRLD117: Population projections 2017 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2045)
    FRKM117: Population projections 2017 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2045)
    FRDK217: Key figures 2017: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and new increases/stock (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2060)
    FRLD217: Key figures 2017: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2045)
    FRKM217: Key figures 2017: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2045)
    FRDK317: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2017 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2059)
    FRDK417: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2017 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2059)
    FRDK517: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2017 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2059)
    FRDK116: Population projections 2016 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2060)
    FRLD116: Population projections 2016 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2045)
    FRKM116: Population projections 2016 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2045)
    FRDK216: Key figures 2016: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and new increases/stock (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2060)
    FRLD216: Key figures 2016: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2045)
    FRKM216: Key figures 2016: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2045)
    FRDK316: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2016 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2059)
    FRDK416: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2016 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2059)
    FRDK516: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2016 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2059)
    FRDK115: Population projections 2015 for the country by ancestry, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2050)
    FRLD115: Population projections 2015 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2040)
    FRKM115: Population projections 2015 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2040)
    FRDK215: Key figures 2015: Summary components of changes according to population projecti by ancestry and new increases/stock (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2050)
    FRLD215: Key figures 2015: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2040)
    FRKM215: Key figures 2015: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2040)
    FRDK315: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2015 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2049)
    FRDK415: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2015 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2049)
    FRDK515: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2015 by sex, age, ancestry and movement (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2049)
    FRDK114: Population projections 2014 by sex, age, ancestry and country of origin (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2050)
    FRLD114: Population projections 2014 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2040)
    FRKM114: Population projections 2014 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2040)
    FRDK214: Key figures 2014: Summary components of changes according to population projections for the country (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2050)
    FRLD214: Key figures 2014: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2040)
    FRKM214: Key figures 2014: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2040)
    FRDK314: Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2014 by age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2049)
    FRDK414: Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2014 by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2049)
    FRDK514: Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2014 by sex, age and ancestry (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2049)
    FRDK113: Population projections 2013 by sex, age, ancestry and country of origin (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2050)
    FRLD113: Population projections 2013 by region/province, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2040)
    FRKM113: Population projections 2013 by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2040)
    FRDK213: Key figures 2013: Summary components of changes according to population projections for the country (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2050)
    FRLD213: Key figures 2013: Summary components of changes according to population projections for provinces (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2040)
    FRKM213: Key figures 2013: Summary components of changes according to population projections for municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2040)
    ADOP1: Adoptions by adoption type, age of child, sex of child and country of birth of child (DISCONTINUED) (1985-2006)
    ADOP2: Adoptions by type of adoption, age of child, sex of child, age of mother and age of father (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2006)
    ADOP3: Adoptions by adoption type, age of child, sex of child, country of birth of child, age of father and age of mother (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2009)
    FOD: Live births by age of mother and sex of child (1973-2024)
    FODIE: Live births by municipality, ancestry of mother, country of origin of mother, citizenship of mother, age of mother and sex of child (2007-2024)
    FODDAG: Live births by day of birth and birth month (2007-2024)
    FODPM: Live births by age of mother and live-birth order (2007-2024)
    FODPF: Live births by age of father and live-birth order (2007-2023)
    BEV3A: Live births and deaths by months (1901M01-2024M12)
    KM3: Live births and deaths by parish (2007Q1-2024Q4)
    FODL: Live births and stillbirths by length of birth, type of delivery, and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2018)
    FODV: Live births and stillbirths by weight of birth, type of delivery, and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2018)
    FOD8: Single and multiple deliveries by type of delivery (1850-2023)
    FOD9: Twin deliveries by sex (1911-2023)
    FOD11: Average age of women given birth and new fathers (1901-2024)
    FOD111: Average age of women given birth and new fathers by municipality (2006-2024)
    FORAELD: Number of parents 1. January by sex, age and number of children (1986-2025)
    BARNLOS: Childless per 1.000 by sex and age (1986-2025)
    FOD107: Live births by municipality, age of mother and sex of the child (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
    FOD1: Live births by municipality, age of mother and sex of the child (DISCONTINUED) (1974-2005)
    FODP: Live births by age of mother and live-birth order (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2019)
    ABORT: Abortions by age (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2015)
    ABORTGL: Abortions by age (DISCONTINUED) (1981-1994)
    FOD6: Abortions by county and age (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    FERT1: Total fertility rate (ages 15-49) by ancestry (1986-2024)
    FOD33: Age-specific fertility rates (single year), total fertility rate (ages 15-49), and gross and net reproduction rates (1973-2024)
    FOD407: Age-specific fertility rates (five-year age groups) and total fertility rate (ages 15-49) by municipality and age (2006-2024)
    KOHORT01: Fertility rates cumulated for birth cohorts of women by year of birth and age (2023-2024)
    FOD3: Age-specific fertility rates (five-year age groups), total fertility rate (ages 15-49), and gross and net reproduction rates (DISCONTINUED) (1901-1972)
    FOD4: Age-specific fertility rates (five-year age groups) and total fertility rate (ages 15-49) by municipality and age (DISCONTINUED) (1971-2005)
    DOD: Deaths by sex and age (1974-2024)
    FOD207: Deaths by region, age and sex (2006-2024)
    DODDAG: Deaths by day of death and month of death (2007-2024)
    DOD1: Deaths by sex, age and cause of death (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2019)
    DODA1: Deaths by cause of death, age and sex (2007-2022)
    DODB1: Deaths by cause of death and sex (2007-2022)
    FOD507: Deaths by region, sex, age and cause of death (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
    DOD2: Deaths during first five years of life by sex and age (1901-2024)
    DODC1: Deaths per day (experimental statistics) by sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01D01-2023M10D29)
    DODC2: Deaths per week (experimental statistics) by region, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007U01-2023U43)
    SMIT1: COVID-19 spread of infection per day (eksperimentel statistik) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020M03D21-2022M04D29)
    FOD2: Deaths by municipality, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (1974-2005)
    FOD5: Deaths by county, sex, age and cause of death (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    Gender equality indicator, deaths
    LIGEHI5A: Gender equality indicator on deaths by cause of death and age (2007-2022)
    LIGEHB5: Deaths by cause of death, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2019)
    LIGEHB5A: Deaths by cause of death, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2021)
    LIGEHI5: Gender equality indicator on deaths by cause of death and age (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2019)
    Life expectancy
    HISB7: Life expectancy for new born babies by sex (1840:1849-2023:2024)
    HISBR: Life expectancy for new born babies by region and sex (2000:2001-2023:2024)
    LABY21: Life expectancy for new born babies by municipality groups and sex (2006:2007-2023:2024)
    HISB77: Life expectancy for new born babies by provinces and sex (2000:2001-2023:2024)
    HISBK: Life expectancy for new born babies by municipality and sex (2000:2004-2020:2024)
    HISB8: Life table (2 years tables) by sex, age and life table (1981:1982-2023:2024)
    HISB9: Life table (5 years tables) by sex, age and life table (1901:1905-2020:2024)
    Gender equality indicator, life expectancy
    LIGEHI1: Gender equality indicator of life expectancy for new born babies (1901:1905-2023:2024)
    LIGEHI2: Gender equality indicator of remaining life expectancy for 50-year-olds by family type (1996:2000-2020:2024)
    LIGEHI4: Gender equality indicator on life expectancy for people aged 30 years by highest education completed (2012:2016-2020:2024)
    Households, families and children
    Households and families
    FAM55N: Households 1 January by region, type of household, household size and number of children in the household (1986-2025)
    FAM122N: Adults 1. January by municipality, type of household, number of persons in the household , number of children in the household, sex and age (1986-2025)
    BY4: Households 1. January by urban, rural areas, and children (2010-2024)
    LABY50: Households' distance to the nearest convenience store by municipality groups and distance (2009-2022)
    LABY50A: Households' distance to the nearest convenience store (share in per cent)) by municipality groups and distance (2009-2022)
    FAM44N: Families 1. January by municipality, type of family, size of family and number of children (1986-2025)
    FAM44BA: Families with children 1 January by region, unit, family type, children from the age of and children to the age of (1986-2025)
    LABY04: Families with/without children i percentage of all families in the same municipality or municipality group by region and family type (2007-2025)
    FAM100N: Adults 1. January by municipality, family type, number of persons in the family, number of children in the family, sex and age (1986-2025)
    FAM111N: Children 1. January by municipality, type of family, number of persons and number of children in the family, sex and age (1986-2025)
    FAM133N: Children 1. January by municipality, type of household, number of persons and number of children in the household, sex and age (1986-2025)
    BRN13: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, adults in the in-residence family, type of family for the in-residence family, adults in the visiting family, type of family for the visiting family and age (2008-2025)
    BRN15: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, number of siblings and combination of siblings (2008-2025)
    BRN16: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, number of siblings and combination of siblings (2008-2025)
    BRN9: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, status of mother and status of father (2007-2025)
    BRN11: Children (0-16 years) 1. January with change in family by municipality, change in family, type of family last year, type of family this year and age (2008-2025)
    BRN12: Childrens' (0-17 years) families 1. January by number of children, type of childfamily and type of family (2008-2025)
    BRN10: Children and young persons (0-29 years) 1. January, who has lost their parents, by municipality, age, status of mother, status of father and status of both parents (2001-2025)
    BRN05: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, number of siblings and combination of siblings (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2006)
    BRN06: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, number of siblings and combination of siblings (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2006)
    BRN09: Children (0-17 years) 1. January by municipality, age, type of family, status of mother and status of father (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2006)
    LIGEFB7: Children by age, family type, mother status and father status (1980-2025)
    Gender equality indicator, children
    LIGEFI7: Gender equality indicator on children, living with only one parent by age (1980-2025)
    VIE1: Average age of males and females getting married (1901-2024)
    VIE7: Marriages by type (1989-2024)
    VIE9: Marriages by type of marriage ceremony and month of the marriage (2007-2024)
    VIEDAG: Marriages by day of marriage and month of the marriage (2007-2024)
    VIE225: Marriages by place of residence, age and former marital status of spouses (2007-2024)
    VIE325: Marriages by residence of spouses, month of marriage and type of marriage ceremony (2007-2024)
    VIE825: Marriages by age of the spouses and type of marriage ceremony (2007-2024)
    VIE7KVT: Marriages by type (2020M01-2024M12)
    VIE825K: Marriages by age of the spouses and type of marriage ceremony (2020-2024)
    BEV3C: Marriages and divorces by months [DISCONTINUED] (1983M01-2024M12)
    VIE2: Marriages between two of different sex by residence of spouses, age and former marital status (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
    VIE3: Marriages between two of different sex by residence of spouses, month of marriage and type of marriage ceremony (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
    IREG1: Entered registered partnerships by sex, age of youngest person and age of oldest person (DISCONTINUED) (1989-2013)
    SKI6: Divorces by type (1999-2024)
    SKI125: Divorces by place of residence and age of the spouses and duration of marriage (2007-2024)
    SKI225: Divorces by residence of spouses and month of the divorce (2007-2024)
    SKI55: Divorce rate (1986-2024)
    OPL2025: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (2025)
    SKI6KVT: Divorces by type (2020M01-2024M12)
    SKI125K: Divorces by age of spouses and duration of marriage (2020-2024)
    OPL2024: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages [DISCONTINUED] (2024)
    OPL2023: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2023)
    OPLAEGT: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2023)
    OPL2020: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2020)
    OPL2019: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    OPL2018: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
    OPL1: Marriages per 1 January by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2018)
    OPL1GL: Marriages by year of the marriage, duration of marriage and dissolution of marriages (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
    SKI1: Divorces between two of different sex by residence of spouses, age and duration of marriage (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
    SKI2: Divorces between two of different sex by residence of the spouses and month of the divorce (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2005)
    SKI5: Divorce rate tabel by age of marriage and divorce rate table (DISCONTINUED) (1986-2018)
    BOERN8: Ratios in municipal and self-governing day care, family day care and pool scheme institutions by municipality and category of child care (2023)
    BOERN3: Ratios in municipal and self-governing day care and family day care by region and category of child care (DISCONTINUED (2015-2022)
    BOERN7: Ratios in municipal and selfgoverning day care boards by day care board and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (2022)
    BOERN2: Fulltimeadjusted clients in municipal and self-governing og family day care and pool scheme institutions by municipality and category of child care (2015-2023)
    BOERN1: Fulltimeadjusted staff in municipal and self-governing day care, family day care and pool scheme institutions by municipality, job title and education (2015-2023)
    PBOERN2: Full-time adjusted children in private day care institutions by region and category of child care (2021-2023)
    PBOERN1: Full-time adjusted pedagogical staff in private day care institutions by region, job title and education (2021-2023)
    BOERN5: Clients in leisure time facility by county, category of child care, type of ownership and age (2015-2023)
    BOERN61: Staff in school based leisure time facility by county and positions category (2015-2023)
    BOERN6: Staff in school based leisure time facility by county and positions category (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2020)
    DAGTIL4: Recipients of subsidy to private day-care and day-care of own children by region, type of grants and affected (2008-2023)
    PAS22: Child care by region, type of care, type of ownership and kind (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    PAS1: Clients in day-care institutions, day-care and school-care schemes by region, measure and age(DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
    PAS2: Institutions, places, clients and staff in child care etc. by region and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
    PAS2X: Staff in day-care, full-time employees by region and function (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2003)
    PAS33: Personnel by region, type of care and type of personnel (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    PAS3: Staff in child care etc. by region, measure and function (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2006)
    PAS11: Clients in day-care institutions, day-care and school-care schemes by region, measure, ownership and age (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    RES5: Clients in day-care institutions and day-care by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1993)
    RES5N: Clients in day-care institutions, day-care and school-care schemes by region, measure and age (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2003)
    RES12: Staff in day-cares and school-care schemes, full-time employees by region, measure and function (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2003)
    BOERN9: Fulltimeadjusted staff employed through state funding by municipality (2023)
    BOERN10: Full-time equivalent children transferred to kindergarten before reaching the ag by municipality (2023)
    BOERN4: Institutions and units by region, type of care and type of ownership (2017-2023)
    RES8: Yearly rates of child-care by region and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RES88: Yearly rates of child-care by region and type of measure (2007-2024)
    RES7: Rates in day-care institutions and day-care by region and type of measure (DISCONTINUED) (1987-1997)
    FROK2: Lunch schemes in day care facilities by region, type of ownership, age groups, lunch programme and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
    FROK3: Content of lunch schemes in day care facilities by region, type of ownership, age groups and lunch programme (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
    RES9: Childcare guarantee pursuant Act on Social Assistance by region and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    Internal migration
    FLY: Total internal migration by sex and age (1980-2024)
    FLY33: Internal migration within municipalities by sex, age and municipality (2006-2024)
    FLY55: Internal migration between regions by sex, age and region (2006-2024)
    FLY66: Internal migration between municipalities by sex, age and municipality (2006-2024)
    FLYDAG: Internal migration by day of internal migration and month of internal migration (2007-2024)
    UNGFLYT: Young people moving by municipality, family type, sex, age and type of removal (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2021)
    FLYBOL: Left empty dwellings by Region, rooms, use and residence time in the housing (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2021)
    FAMFLYT5: Inflow of residents by receiving municipality by in migration, type of move, type of family that has moved in, age of the youngest family member who has moved and age of the oldest family member who has moved (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2021)
    FAMFLYT6: Outward migration by municipality by out migration, type of move, type of family that has left, age of the youngest family member who has moved and age of the oldest family member who has moved (DISCONTINUED) (2017-2021)
    FLY70: Movements from and to the largest city, other cities or rural district by vacating area, relocation to area, type of move and age (DISCONTINUED) (2021)
    FLY3: Internal migration within municipalities by sex, age and municipality (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2005)
    FLY5: Internal migration between counties by sex, age and county (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2005)
    FLY6: Internal migration between municipalities by sex, age and municipality (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2005)
    Immigration and emigration
    VAN1KVT: Immigrations (provisional data) (quarterly) by municipality, sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (2007Q2-2024Q4)
    VAN1UGE: Immigrations per week (experimental statistics) by municipality, sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (2021U52-2025U05)
    VAN1AAR: Immigrations (yearly) by municipality, sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (2007-2024)
    INDVAN: Immigrations by sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (1980-2024)
    VAN8K: Immigrations (provisional data) (quarter) by citizenship, sex and residence permit (2016Q1-2024Q3)
    VAN8A: Immigrations (year) by citizenship, sex and residence permit (1997-2023)
    VAN2KVT: Emigrations (provisional data) (quaterly) by municipality, sex, age, country of destination and citizenship (2007Q2-2024Q4)
    VAN2AAR: Emigrations (yearly) by municipality, sex, age, country of destination and citizenship (2007-2024)
    UDVAN: Emigrations by sex, age, country of destination and citizenship (1980-2024)
    VAN211: Immigrations by municipality, sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
    VAN21A: Immigrations by municipality, sex, age, country of origin and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2005)
    VAN222: Emigrations by municipality, sex, age, country of destination and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
    VAN22A: Emigrations by municipality, sex, age, country of destination and citizenship (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2005)
    BEV3B: Immigrations and emigrations by months (DISCONTINUED) (1983M01-2016M12)
    Housing stock
    BOL101: Dwellings by region, type of resident, use, tenure, ownership and year of construction (2010-2024)
    BOL102: Dwellings by county, type of resident, type of dwelling, year of construction, heating, toiletfacilities, bathfacilities and kitchenfacilities (2010-2024)
    BOL103: Dwellings by county, type of resident, type of dwelling, number of rooms, size of dwelling in square metre and household size (2010-2024)
    BOL104: Dwellings by county, type of resident, type of dwelling, tenure, type of household and number of children living with parents (2010-2024)
    BOL105: Dwellings by county, type of resident, type of dwelling, heating, toiletfacilities, bathfacilities, type of household and number of children living with parents (2010-2024)
    BOL106: Dwellings with registered population (average) by area, unit and use (2010-2024)
    BOLRD: Dwellings with registered population by tenure (1930-2024)
    FLYBOL: Left empty dwellings by Region, rooms, use and residence time in the housing (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2021)
    BOL11: Occupied dwellings by region, type of dwelling, tenure, heating and number of rooms (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL1: Occupied dwellings by region, type of dwelling, tenure, heating and number of rooms(DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    BOL22: Occupied dwellings by region, type of dwelling, year of construction and installations (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL2: Occupied dwellings by region, type of dwelling, year of construction and installations(DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    BOL33: Dwellings by region, type of dwelling, ownership and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL3: Dwellings by region, type of dwelling, ownership and year of construction (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    BOL44: Households by region, type of dwelling, tenure, household type and number of children (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL4: Households by region, type of dwelling, tenure, household type and number of children(DISCONTINUED) (1995-2006)
    BOL4A: Households by region, type of dwelling, tenure, household type and number of children(DISCONTINUED) (1981-1994)
    BOL511: Households by region, type of dwelling, size of dwelling in square metre and household size (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL51: Households by region, type of dwelling, size of dwelling in square metre and household size(DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    BOL522: Households by region, type of dwelling, number of rooms and household size (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL52: Households by region, type of dwelling, number of rooms and household size (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    BOL201: Occupants by county, use, tenure, ownership, year of construction, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BOL202: Occupants by county, use, heating, toiletfacilities, bathfacilities, kitchenfacilities, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BOL203: Occupants by county, use, tenure, number of rooms, household size, number of children, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BOL204: Occupants by county, use, tenure, type of household, number of children, age and sex (2010-2024)
    BOL66: Occupants by region, type of dwelling, tenure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    BOL6: Occupants by region, type of dwelling, tenure, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    INDKF41: Families by parish, ownership and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1986-2011)
    LABY45: Share of population, who lives for a rent by municipality groups (2010-2024)
    LABY46: Average residential area per person by municipality groups (2010-2024)
    Hospital utilisation
    INDAMP01: Population by region, group of persons, key figures, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDAMP02: Population by region, group of diagnosis, key figures, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDAMP03: Population by group of diagnosis, key figures, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDL001: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis main groups, emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL002: Hospital patients in somatics and psychiatry by region of residence, type of hospital service, admissions, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL003: Hospital patients in public and private hospitals by region of residence, type of hospital, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL004: Hospital patients by hospital service type, ancestry, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL005: Hospital patients by hospital service type, family type, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL01: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (99 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    INDL02: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (23 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    IND01: Admissions by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    UD1: Admissions by diagnosis (99 groups), emergency/non-emergency, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IND02: Admissions by region, diagnosis (23 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    UD2: Admissions by diagnosis (23 groups), emergency/non-emergency, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IND03: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    UD3: Admissions, hospital patients and bed-days by region, key figures, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IND04: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    UD3A: Admissions, hospital patients and bed-days by region, key figures, age, sex and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2005)
    IND05: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, number of bed-days, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP01: Hospital patients by region, dominant diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    PA1: Hospital patients by region, dominant diagnosis, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    INDP02: Hospital patients by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    PA1A: Hospital patients by region, diagnosis, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2005)
    INDP03: Rates for admissions by family type, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP04: Rates for admissions of adults by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP05: Rates for admissions of adults by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP06: Rates for admissions of children by education of family, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP07: Rates for admissions by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP08: Rates for admissions by ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP09: Rates for admissions by type of dwelling, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    INDP10: Rates for admissions of children by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    PA2A: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, job title, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2005)
    PA2: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, job title, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1996)
    PA3: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, family attachment, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    PA4A: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2005)
    PA4: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1997)
    PA5: Hospital patients by region, cause of hospitalization, income interval, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    LIGEHI7: Gender equality indicator of admissions, outpatient treatm. and emergency department visits by indicator, type, region, age, family type and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    LIGEHB7: Admissions, outpatient treatments and emergency department visits by type, region, sex, age, family type and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AED19: Discharges and length of stay (days) for persons aged 67, by region, unit and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
    AED19A: Length of stay (days) for persons aged 67 and over by region, unit and diagnosis (2014-2023)
    AED20: Clinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67, by region, unit and diagnosis (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
    AED20A: Clinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67 and over by region, unit and diagnosis (2012-2023)
    Outpatient care
    AMBU001: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis main groups, emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMBU002: Out-patients in somatics and psychiatry by region of residence, type of hospital service, treatments, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMBU003: Out-patients in public and private hospitals by region of residence, type of hospital, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMBU004: Out-patients by hospital service type, ancestry, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMBU005: Out-patients by hospital service type, family type, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMBU01: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (99 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMB01: Out-patient treatments by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBU02: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (23 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex (2019-2023)
    AMB02: Out-patient treatments by region, diagnosis (23 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMB03: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMB04: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMB05: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, key figures, out-patiens treatments, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP01: Out-patients by region, dominant diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP02: Out-patients by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP03: Rates for out-patient treatments by family type, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP04: Rates for out-patient treatments of adults by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP05: Rates for out-patient treatments of adults by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP06: Rates for out-patient treatments of children by education of family, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP07: Rates for out-patient treatments by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP08: Rates for out-patient treatments by ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP09: Rates for out-patient treatments by type of dwelling, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    AMBP10: Rates for out-patient treatments of children by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKAD01: Emergency department visits by region, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKAD02: Emergency department visits by region, diagnosis (23 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKAD03: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKAD04: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, diagnosis (99 groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKAD05: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, reason for contact, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP01: Emergency department patients by region, dominant contact reason, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP02: Emergency department patients by region, reason for contact, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP03: Index for emergency treatments by index type, family type, age and sex (DISCONTINUED)) (2006-2018)
    SKADP04: Index for emergency treatments of adults by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP05: Index for emergency treatments of adults by index type, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP06: Index for emergency treatments of children by index type, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP07: Index for emergency treatments by index type, region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP08: Index for emergencytreatments by index type, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP09: Index for emergency treatments by index type, type of dwelling, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SKADP10: Index for emergency treatments of children by index type, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2018)
    SMIT1: COVID-19 spread of infection per day (eksperimentel statistik) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020M03D21-2022M04D29)
    SMIT2: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day (eksperimentel statistik) by key figures and age (DISCONTINUED) (2020M03D21-2021M06D29)
    SMIT3: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day (experimental statistics) by key figures and part of the country (DISCONTINUED) (2020M03D21-2021M06D29)
    SMIT4: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day (eksperimentel statistik) by key figures and municipality (DISCONTINUED) (2020M04D20-2021M06D29)
    Consultations of physicians
    SYGK2: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGK1: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGKS1: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGKS2: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYG1A: Contacts with the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age, sex and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2005)
    SYG1: Contacts with the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age, sex and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1996)
    SYGP2: Number of persons with contacts covered by public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGP1: Number of persons with contacts covered by public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGPS1: Recievers og public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGPS2: Recievers og public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYG31A: Receivers of public health insurance by region, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2005)
    SYG3: Receivers of public health insurance by region, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1992-1996)
    SYGUS2: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGUS1: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGU1: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGU2: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex (2006-2023)
    SYGFAM: Population by key figures, type of benefits, family type, sex and age (2006-2023)
    SYGSOC: Population by key figures, type of benefits, socioeconomic status, sex and age (2006-2023)
    SYGHER: Population by key figures, type of benefits, ancestry, sex and age (2006-2023)
    SYGIND: Population by key figures, type of benefits, income level, sex and age (2006-2023)
    SYGSIK: Population by region and health insurance group (2007-2024)
    SYG41A: Amounts to public health insurance in DKK 1000 by region, type of benefits, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2005)
    SYG4: Amounts to public health insurance in DKK 1000 by region, type of benefits, age and sex (closed serie) (DISCONTINUED) (1992-1996)
    LABY26: Overweight among children by municipality groups, sex and age (2012-2018)
    LABY27: People per general practitioner by municipality groups (2015-2023)
    LIGEHB6: Consultations with the general practitioner by region, sex, age and family type (2006-2023)
    Gender equality indicator, consultations of physicians
    LIGEHI6: Gender equality indicator of consultations with the general practitioner by region, age and family type (2006-2023)
    Experimental statistics - Sale of prescription drugs
    MEDI1A: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by region, type of medicine, key figures, sex and age (2016-2021)
    MEDI1B: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by region, type of medicine, key figures, sex and age groups (2016-2021)
    MEDICIN2: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by ancestry, type of medicine, key figures, sex and age groups (2016-2021)
    MEDICIN3: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by education, type of medicine, key figures, sex and age groups (2016-2021)
    MEDICIN4: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by type of medicine, key figures, sex and age groups (2016-2021)
    RESTAND: Municipal dental care by region, dental care sheme and recipients (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2022)
    RES11X: Staff in municipal dental care and health care, full-time employees by region and function (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2006)
    Home nursing
    HJEMSYG: Recipients of home nursing by region, age and gender (2016-2023)
    HJEMSYG2: Provided home nursing by region, age, gender and days (2016-2023)
    HJSP01: Recipient of home nursing by region and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (2011M01-2016M12)
    HJSP02: Home nursing by unit, region and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (2014M01-2016M12)
    HJSP03: Visits (types) from home nurse by region and type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2014M01-2016M12)
    Health of vulnerable groups
    NEETSYG: Consultations with physicians in the population (16-24 years) (experimental statistics) by NEET status, key figures, health professional, region and sex (2019-2022)
    NEETMED: Purchase of prescription medicine in the population (16-24 years) (experimental statistics) by NEET status, key figures, type of medicine, region and sex (2019-2022)
    NEETLPR: Hospital utilisation in the population (16-24 years) (experimental statistics) by NEET status, key figures, type of contact, region and sex (2019-2022)
    NEETDIAG: Hospital utilisation in the population (16-24 years) (experimental statistics) by NEET status, key figures, primary diagnosis groups, region and sex (2019-2022)
    SGSU00: Vulnerable children and young people (0-22 year) by region, target/control group, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2017)
    SGSU01: Vulnerable children and young people (0-22 year) visits to physicians by target/control group, medical specialty, unit, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2017)
    SGSU02: Vulnerable children and young people (0-22 year) hospitalization by target/control group, key figures, hospital, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2017)
    Municipal indicators
    SUIK11: Prevention and health promotion, costs and effects, by indicator and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    SUIK21: Rehabilitatiton and maintenance training, costs and effects, by indicator and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    SUIK31: Net running costs of home nursing by region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    SUIK32: Recipients of visits by district nurses by age groups and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2013)
    SUIK33: Visits by district nurses by type of benefits and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2013)
    SUIK61: Child healthcare, costs and effects, by indicator and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    SUIK12: The chronically sick by disease and region (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    SUIK13: Prevention and health promotion offers and activities by region, action area and target group (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    SUIK34: Preventive hospitalization of recipients of visits by district nurses by cause and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    SUIK41: Abuse of alcohol, costs and effects, by indicator, kind of treatment and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    SUIK42: Termination of treatment for alcoholism by cause, kind of treatment and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    SUIK51: Drug abuse, costs and effects, by indicator, kind of treatment and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    SUIK52: Termination of treatment for drug abuse by cause, kind of treatment and region (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    Elections to the Danish Parliament
    FVPCT: Election to the Parliament by result of the election (percentage) (1971-2022)
    LABY09: Election to the Parliament by municipality groups and result of the election (percentage) (2007-2022)
    FVBPCT: Election to the Parliament by result of the election (1971-2022)
    FVKAND: Election to the Parliament by candidates and political party (1990-2022)
    FVKOM: Election to the Parliament by result of the election and municipalities (2007-2022)
    FVPANDEL: The Parties share of votes (Election to the Parliament) by region (2007-2022)
    FV22TOT: Election to the Parliament 2022 by result of the election and region (2022)
    FV22TOTA: Election to the Parliament 2022 by area (2022)
    FV22KAND: Personal votes of the candidates by result of the election, party and area (2022)
    LIGEDB1: Nominated and elected candidates to parliament by candidates, sex and age (2001-2022)
    Gender equality indicator, elections to the Danish Parliament
    LIGEDI0: Gender equality indicator on nominated and elected candidates of parliament by candidates (1918-2022)
    LIGEDI1: Gender equality indicator on nominated and elected candidates to the Parliament by candidates and age (2001-2022)
    LIGEDI10: Gender equality indicator of government (2022)
    LIGEDI5: Gender equality indicator of democracy and court by office (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
    FV19TOT: Election to the Parliament 2019 by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    FV19TOTA: Election to the Parliament 2019 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    FV19KAND: Personal votes of the candidates by result of the election, party and area (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    FV15TOT: Election to the Parliament 2015 by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S01: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Københavns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S02: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Københavns Omegns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S03: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Nordsjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S04: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Bornholms Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S05: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Sjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S06: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Fyns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S07: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Sydjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S08: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Østjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S09: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Vestjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15S10: Election to the Parliament 2015 in Nordjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV15KAND: Personal votes of the candidates by result of the election, party and area (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FV11TOT: Election to the Parliament 2011 by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S01: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Københavns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S02: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Københavns Omegns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S03: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Nordsjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S04: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Bornholms Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S05: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Sjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S06: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Fyns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S07: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Sydjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S08: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Østjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S09: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Vestjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11S10: Election to the Parliament 2011 in Nordjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV11KAND: Personal votes of the candidates by result of the election, party and area (DISCONTINUED) (2011)
    FV07TOT: Election to the Parliament 2007 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S01: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Københavns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S02: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Københavns Omegns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S03: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Nordsjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S04: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Bornholms Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S05: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Sjællands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S06: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Fyns Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S07: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Sydjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S08: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Østjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S09: Election to the Parliament 2007 in Vestjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07S10: Election to the Parliament 2007 of Nordjyllands Storkreds by result of the election and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    FV07KAND: Personal votes of the candidates by result of the election, party and area (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    Municipal elections
    KVPCT: Elections to municipality councils by result of the election (percentage) (1970-2021)
    KVBPCT: Elections to municipality councils by result of the election (1970-2021)
    KVRES: Elections to municipality councils by municipality and result of the election (2005-2021)
    LABY08: Elections to municipality councils by municipality groups and result of the election (percentage) (2005-2021)
    VALGK3: Elections to municipality councils by municipality, party and votes/candidates/sex (2005-2021)
    VALGK3X: Elections to municipality councils by municipality, party and votes/candidates/sex (DISCONTINUED) (1989-2001)
    AKVA3: Elections to region councils by region, party and votes/candidates/sex (2005-2021)
    AKVA3X: Elections to county councils by county, party and votes/candidates/sex (DISCONTINUED) (1989-2001)
    KV21PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2021 by candidates and type of vote cast (2021)
    KV17PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2017 by candidates and type of vote cast (2017)
    KV13PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2013 by candidates and type of vote cast (2013)
    KV09PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2009 by candidates and type of vote cast (2009)
    KV05PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2005 by candidates and type of vote cast (2005)
    KV01PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 2001 by candidates and type of vote cast (2001)
    KV97PERS: Personal votes of the elected candidates to the municipality election in 1997 by candidates and type of vote cast (1997)
    LIGEDB2: Nominated and elected candidates to municipal councils by candidates, sex, age and municipality (2005-2021)
    Gender equality indicator, municipal elections
    LIGEDI2: Gender equality indicator of nominated and elected candidates to municipal councils by candidates, age and municipality (2005-2021)
    LIGEDI3: Gender equality indicator of nominated and elected candidates to regional councils by candidates (2005-2021)
    European Parliament elections
    EVKOM: European Parliament Election by result of the election and municipalities (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2019)
    EVKOM1: European Parliament Election by result of the election and municipalities (2009-2024)
    EVPANDEL: The Parties share of votes (European Parliament Election) by region (2009-2024)
    EVBPCT: European Parliament Election by result of the election (1979-2024)
    EVPCT: European Parliament Election by result of the election (1979-2024)
    EV19TOT: European Parliament Election 2019 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    EV24TOT: European Parliament Election 2024 by area (2024)
    EV19TOTA: European Parliament Election 2019 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2019)
    EV24TOTA: European Parliament Election 2024 by area (2024)
    Gender equality indicator, European Parliament elections
    LIGEDI4: Gender equality indicator of nominated and elected candidates to the European Parliament by candidates (1994-2024)
    EV14TOT: European Parliament Election 2014 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S01: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Københavns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S02: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Københavns Omegns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S03: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Nordsjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S04: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Bornholms Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S05: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Sjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S06: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Fyns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S07: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Sydjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S08: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Østjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S09: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Vestjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV14S10: European Parliament Election 2014 by area in Nordjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    EV09TOT: European Parliament Election 2009 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S01: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Københavns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S02: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Københavns Omegns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S03: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Nordsjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S04: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Bornholms Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S05: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Sjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S06: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Fyns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S07: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Sydjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S08: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Østjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S09: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Vestjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    EV09S10: European Parliament Election 2009 by area in Nordjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FAKOM: Referendum by result of the election and municipalities (2014-2022)
    FAPCT: Referendums by result of the election (1971-2022)
    FABPCT: Referendums by result of the election (1971-2022)
    FA22TOT: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Defence Reservation to an opt-in 2022 by region (2022)
    FA22TOTA: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Defence Reservation to an opt-in 2022 by area (2022)
    FA15TOT: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S01: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Københavns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S02: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Københavns Omegns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S03: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Nordsjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S04: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Bornholms Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S05: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Sjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S06: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Fyns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S07: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Sydjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S08: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Østjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S09: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Vestjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA15S10: Referendum on converting the opt-out on EU matters on Justice and Home Affairs to an opt-in 2015 by area in Nordjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2015)
    FA14TOT: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S01: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Københavns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S02: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Københavns Omegns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S03: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Nordsjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S04: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Bornholms Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S05: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Sjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S06: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Fyns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S07: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Sydjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S08: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Østjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S09: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Vestjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA14S10: Referendum on joining the Unified Patent Court 2014 by area in Nordjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    FA09TOT: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S01: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Københavns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S02: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Københavns Omegns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S03: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Nordsjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S04: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Bornholms Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S05: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Sjællands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S06: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Fyns Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S07: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Sydjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S08: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Østjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S09: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Vestjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FA09S10: Referendum on the Act of Succession to the Throne 2009 by area in Nordjyllands Storkreds (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    National church
    Members of the national church
    KM1: Population at the first day of the quarter by parish and member of the National Church (2007Q1-2025Q1)
    KM11: Population at the first day of the quarter by deanary/diocese and member of the National Church (2007Q1-2025Q1)
    KM5: Population 1. January by parish, sex, age and member of the National Church (2007-2025)
    KM55: Population 1. January by deanery/diocese, sex, age and member of national church (2007-2025)
    KM6: Population 1. January by municipality, sex, age and member of the National Church (2011-2025)
    KMSTA001: Population 1. January by parish, ancestry and member of the National Church (2008-2025)
    KMSTA002: Population 1. January by deanary, ancestry and member of the National Church (2008-2025)
    KMSTA005: Population 1. January (15 years+) by parish, socioeconomic status and member of the National Church (2016-2023)
    KMSTA006: Population 1. January (15 years+) by deanary, socioeconomic status and member of the National Church (2016-2023)
    KMSTA009: Population 1. January (15 years+) by parish, member of the National Church and commuting (2016-2023)
    KMSTA010: Population 1. January (15 years+) by deanary, member of the National Church and commuting (2016-2023)
    SOGN1: Population 1. January by parish, sex and age (2010-2025)
    SOGN10: Population 1. January by parish (DISCONTINUED) (1925-2022)
    KMST007A: Population 1. October (15 years+) by parish, member of the National Church and highest education completed (2015-2023)
    KMST008A: Population 1. October (15 years+) by deanary, member of the National Church and highest education completed (2015-2023)
    KM2: Registration and resignation from the National Church by parish and age (2007Q1-2024Q4)
    KM22: Registration and resignation from the national church by deanery/diocese and age (2007Q1-2024Q4)
    KM3: Live births and deaths by parish (2007Q1-2024Q4)
    KM33: Live births and deaths by deanery/diocese (2007Q1-2024Q4)
    KMSTA003: Summary vital statistics by parish and movements (2015-2024)
    KMSTA004: Summary vital statistics by deanary and movements (2015-2024)
    KMSTA007: Population 1. January (15 years+) by parish, member of the National Church and highest education completed (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
    KMSTA008: Population 1. January (15 years+) by deanary, member of the National Church and highest education completed (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2019)
    Religious ceremonies
    KM4: Religious ceremonies by parish (2006-2024)
    KM44: Religious ceremonies by deanery/diocese (2006-2024)
    Baby names
    How many perople are called..?